Head Back

Magus Shena quickly became anxious after she heard the news of the strict lockdown that was going to be implemented in Zodiac City.

"Let's go back to Zodiac City right away!"

To be honest, Emery had planned to go straight to Terra Palace and reunite with his friends. However, he decided to tag along with the magus, as he was also concerned and wanted to know the situation.

The question he had now was how they would get there, since it was confirmed the access of the teleportation gate to Zodiac City had been forbidden to use. This ban also made dozens of Zodiac City residents who came to Magus Academy to watch the tournament unable to return.

"Unfortunately we didn't bring a ship today," said one of the magus guards, when Emery's gaze landed on him.

Emery was about to rethink his decision when Magus Shena said. "There is another way!" She said, quickly beckoning for the others to follow. "Come quick, follow me."