Her Arrival

Utopia City

In different circumstances, arriving on this planet would have filled Shinta with excitement, but this time she had to adopt a new identity.

"Shura Ouroboros," 

"Yes, that's me," she affirmed when a checkpoint guard asked.

"And your reason for visiting?" the guard pressed.

"Doesn't it show there? I am here for the Magus Academy," Shinta replied, her tone reflecting a hint of impatience.

The Utopia city guard frowned at her attitude, but a more senior officer soon arrived and quickly cleared her identity. "Welcome to Utopia City," the officer greeted her warmly.

As soon as she passed the checkpoint, a familiar voice whispered in her ear from a tiny, familiar creature concealed behind it.

"Huh, Auntie, shouldn't I maintain a lower profile?" Shinta questioned internally.

