World Council. Part 2

Following behind the group of Head Commanders, Alex walked through a pair of large, double doors which shone with a cold, metallic glint. Passing through into the other side, he finally laid his eyes on the World Council Hall, about which he had previously heard from his Father.

It was in this very room that the Earth Alliance was officially established bringing peace to mankind in an era plagued with wars. Humanity had joined its hands together and worked towards the improvement of the species as a whole, pooling together its resources and technology.

The major decisions and policies which have a direct effect on the future of the Alliance are passed from this very room. And today, for the first time in his life, Alex was going to step into it.

The Hall was a large, circular room, having a diameter of 120m. At the very centre of the room stood a white-marble stage upon which was a podium.