Twelfth Labor. Part 5

Olivia, or rather, a string of thoughts that believed itself to be her floated across boundless darkness.

This darkness had no ups, no downs, no lefts, no rights, it had no direction, structure, or order. It was simply nothingness.

A true representation of nihility.

The only thing present within this place was the string of thoughts that called itself Olivia. However, even itself was unsure of its existence as it possessed no definite shape or structure, nor any proof of its existence.

It was completely possible that this string of thoughts called Olivia did not even exist. Still, this string of thoughts did not ask itself this question and firmly, single-mindedly believed that it existed.

Where did it exist? It did not wonder about this question.

Why did it exist? It did not wonder about this question either.

What was it? This was one question that the string of thoughts knew the answer to.

It was Olivia.