Reset. Repeat.

This was new. She had never seen another person, a humanoid not to mention, since her arrival in this place, thirty-seven days ago.

"Hello, sir!" Olivia called, reaching out towards the black-cowled figure. Having approached close enough, she stalled her sprinting to a walk.

Seemingly having not heard her words, the cowled figure continued to rigidly walk. His back was slightly hunched and his head was lowered to look at the ground. He held a dry, wooden branch in hand and dragged it against the ashen sand with each step. A knapsack similar to one worn by Olivia occupied his back except that it looked empty with a large, noticeable hole at its bottom.

Oddly enough, Olivia could not view his arms and legs. The black robe worn on his body descended until it covered his legs, while his arms, the part that was exposed at least, were covered in dirty, white bandages.