A "Common" Cleaning Service (4)

Warning! This chapter has adult-restricted contents such as the use of vulgar languages, violence, intercourse, and might even show the portrayal of harmful activities. Continue at your own risk.


Later that short misunderstanding, Nam Hiah finally told Young Mirae the explanation she was originally supposed to receive from the female employee who escorted her to the comfort room.

There were two cleaning services that the company was offering to its clients. One was the standard brushing and sweeping, the "normal" employees attended this service to the clients.

The "other" was something they called the removal and disposal. It comprised the removal of the waste that came with the strict cleaning and the neat disposal of the waste to the morgue.

Their job was unlikely ordinary. Mostly the clients were not government officials, they were highly criminal syndicates. Hence, the hiring of employees would undergo strict processes and measures.

Yet Young Mirae did not have difficulty entering because Hwang Joon, the eldest son of the president, offered her the job and she received a recommendation.

'What? That is too suspicious. Why did that Hwang Joon guy do that?' she disputed while viewing the port unfold from the tinted window.

The waves playfully fluttered below, clashing onto the stone foundation which splashed water to the surface. Under the dark musky skies of the velvety night, the solid monochromatic color of the eve painted the port.

"We're here."

Nam Hana reeled the wheel and announced their entrance to their destination. The white van pulled over at the parking lot in the port, just beside the other parked cars.

When the door pulled open, it caught the eyes of the people standing by, sending glances to the three individuals coming out from the van.

Apart from that, the huge stickers displayed on the van were ostentatious. It formed a word that was enough to draw attention: Junk Suckers.

The pungent stench stemming from the fishes welcomed Young Mirae. An outburst of wind slapped her face and brushed her dark charcoaled threads. The relaxing noises from the rolling waves blasted in a rhythmic percussion.

It felt like a long time since Young Mirae saw the sea. The icy breeze felt wet and smelled like salt when it touched her skin. Everything smelt like her childhood, which was once her favorite. In the past, she loved it.

"Hey, suckers! You guys are here again with the business, huh?" After the comment, the laughter from the people wearing suits echoed through the void.

Her brows twitched, Young Mirae hoped they choked by their own saliva while laughing. She could care less when about their comment. She only felt irritated when she heard their laughs, which overtook the sounds of the waves that she enjoyed listening to.

"Don't mind those immature shits. Help me get the body bags ready," Nam Hiah commanded.

Following the command, Young Mirae caught the folded body bags thrown toward her direction. Another stack flew to Nam Hana before Nam Hiah rummaged inside the vehicle to find the other necessities.

"Argh, I hate this company! What's with the 'Junk Suckers'? They keep calling us 'suckers' every minute," Nam Hana thundered.

Although no one was listening to his rants, he still resumed, "Whenever I'm on my way to the company, I see these ugly stickers on the vans. And when someone asks me what I do for a living and the company I'm working for, I feel so embarrassed to answer that I just wanted to dig a hole and die."

Discerning that Nam Hiah went ahead, Young Mirae moved and marched, following her tracks. She and Nam Hiah went past the crowd of men in which the insulting commentary came from.

The two of them attempted to flee away from the jabbering male employee engaged in wasting his saliva. But as they advanced in front of them, someone else stated, "Big sister, suck me too!"

The noises from the soles of her four-inch heel boots suspended, and she abruptly shifted her face in their direction. Shooting a glare to the one with a smug look on his face, Young Mirae pointed, "Look here, you fool—"

"Big bros, allow me to do it for you instead."

Before Young Mirae could settle her annoyance, Nam Hana playfully interjected in between with his voice pressed in a high pitch. He moved his hand closer and away from his mouth. He signaled an offer for a blow job and flashed the most radiant smile he had ever made.

The self-satisfied expression on the person's face dropped in a swift second; his little smile turned into a frown. Spewing a spit on the concrete, the man replied, "...Absolutely, I don't mind."

With a sudden movement of a hand, Nam Hana grabbed the man's crutch. "Hm, I changed my mind, Sir. I might end up sucking a little finger"

The motion took Young Mirae in surprise, and she could not restrain herself from laughing.

What the hell? That Nam Hana was far too daring! She absolutely loved it! She had never met such a spirited person before.

'Oh, I wanna be brave enough to grab someone's crutch, too,' she snickered to herself.

Young Mirae thought these siblings might not be that bad after all. She wanted to be good acquaintances of the two or perhaps be friends with them.

"Hana!" By the call of his name, Nam Hana released his hold and bolted away from the fellows to catch up with the team.

They continued the course to the warehouse, following the lead of Nam Hiah. And as they entered, stooping under the half lifted coiling door of the warehouse, Young Mirae scanned the place.

The towering ceiling, made of the corrugated iron roof and supported by the cross braces covered with rust, stood twenty-five feet above them. On the other hand, the continuous vibrations and noises she was hearing were from the blades of the axial fans.

With the zooms of the air sucked by the axial fans, it reminded Young Mirae of the warehouse built near her family's mansion, where her entire childhood started.