Can You Cause Trouble Later?

Hence, Hornless Dragon Source immediately agreed.


Those who traded first would be rewarded first. Lin Yuan might not have big and small source fruits left over for those who wanted to trade with him later.

Lin Yuan and Hornless Dragon Source both felt that they had profited from the deal.

Meanwhile, Mountain Ridge Source had gnashed her teeth tightly together.

Hornless Dragon Source, that old piece of scum! What an old fox! All he did was think of ways to profit!

Just as Carnage Source was about to speak, Mountain Ridge Source could no longer restrain herself and said, "I also want to use the faith power from 500 pinnacle Apostles to trade for a similar number of big and small source fruits as what you offered Hornless Dragon Source."

Lin Yuan fell silent.

Lin Yuan's silence caused Mountain Ridge Source's heart to sink.

Could Hornless Dragon Source's deal have cleared Ten Thousand Source out?