Elemental Affinity

After one and a half hours of fierce sword fighting, Xiao Lin had to pay a hefty price after his entire body was covered with wounds from Cheng Ming's sword. The cost of treatment was 50 redemption points and he still felt exhausted, even after his injuries were successfully healed. The healing in the training hall was only effective for physical injuries; they did not eliminate inner fatigue. Nevertheless, he gained a lot during that period too.

His Basic Swordsmanship was finally upgraded to LV3, his strength had also risen by one point, and he even gained a pleasant surprise. Xiao Lin received a prompt from the Central Computer, stating that he had successfully mastered Basic Blocking LV1 after repeatedly resisting attacks that surpassed his own power.

Basic Blocking allowed one to use weapons and block the enemy's attacks. The effect was to reduce damage or even avoid damage, making it a defensive skill.