Peace Offering From The Instructor

"Major." Xiao Lin thought for a while before using that form of address.

However, the captain seemed to be an easygoing man. He nodded as he smiled, "I'm Song, so you just call me Captain Song. We've already crossed the most dangerous parts of the Endless Sea. The rest of the journey will be calmer, so you should have your people use this time to rest. We will begin the assault at dawn tomorrow.

He did not think it would be so soon, so Xiao Lin was surprised, but he did not reveal it. He nodded and asked, "About the assault, do you have any plans for it?"

"Let's discuss it in detail in my quarters."

"Then allow me to get my team in order first."

After the captain left, Xiao Lin started to let the others know. Since the assault would begin at dawn, then time was of the essence. Everyone was extremely fatigued, and lying on the deck facing the sun and winds did not help them recover.