Agility Scroll

Xiao Lin's words prompted everyone to exchange glances. Several monitors hesitated before raising their hands and saying, "In that case, I'll join! Let's seize the supply depot at first charge!"

None of them were idiots and it all boiled down to their unfamiliarity with the resurrection tower. The graveness of the situation struck them after Xiao Lin's reminder. The last thing they wanted was for members of their own class to suffer excessive casualties, but all that hinged on the successful completion of their task.

Seeing that everyone's enthusiasm for discussion was aroused again, Xiao Lin said at the opportune moment, "If possible, I'm actually hoping that everyone can cooperate together, at least for now. After all, this is a task we all have in common, and everyone will be rewarded for completing it."

Chen Dao, the monitor of Class Twelve, was puzzled. He asked, "Aren't we cooperating now?"