Holy Soul Summoning

Xiao Lin felt that he might have underestimated the enemy's IQ. Did he have to be targeted in such a manner after only a slight provocation?

He had to execute the Phantom Step to the fullest, but it was also a very tiring endeavor because he needed to display dozens of footwork combinations in the shortest amount of time.

From the perspective of those bystanders, Xiao Lin was either creeping, advancing, retreating, or moving sideways, with each and every movement appearing as smooth as the flow of water. He did not pause at all because he would surely be struck if he stopped for even a brief second.

Even so, many attacks were still difficult to dodge. After all, the Phantom Step is only the most basic level of body techniques. The dozen or so footwork combinations still had blind spots when facing an attack of such magnitude.

Holy Soul Summoning!