The Monthly Examination Review Begins (3)

"Ahem! Xiao Lin, this present meeting is to assess you. Be more serious." The president of the student council cleared his throat and gave a gentle reminder. Since the other people were older than the president, it went without saying that they were not to be provoked.

"We'll skip this question for now." The other old man did not seem keen on dwelling on that issue anymore. The old woman was obviously displeased, but if no one else made any objections, she would not be able to oppose it anymore.

"There is one more question. We have no way of knowing the specific situation of the monthly exam, but according to historical data, the female elf had mastered certain law-level restraining spells even though she only possessed Epic-rank strength. I don't think a freshman like you can break free from that spell, so can you tell me how you did it?"

"Uh, sorry, no comment."