
An important material for spatial equipment was starmetal, and that was also the main reason for the high value of such equipment. However, Xiao Lin happened to have starmetal with him, so if the material costs were ignored, the actual workmanship might not be that expensive.

Ibeiya's words gave Xiao Lin a couple of ideas. He did not necessarily have to buy a finished ring, but finding someone who could actually make spatial equipment was difficult as it was very different from ordinary forging. Those who were able to do that must possess extensive skill, and since Xiao Lin was worried about wasting the material at hand, he felt that it was unwise to seek out a complete stranger.

"I can introduce someone to you, Uncle!" Ibeiya blinked her eyes and patted her slightly raised chest. She assured him, "I guarantee the quality will be good!"

"You know someone reliable?"

"Of course!"

"But didn't you say that you haven't been to Gold City for many years?"