Silverlight’s Help

Based on just appearance, it was just a regular sword. It was not adorned by anything special like gems or anything of the sort. Furthermore, if it was an assessment, how could an assessment for new students involve awesome weapons; that would just be cheating.

However, he could just keep those words to himself, since there was no way to stop the test once it started unless Xiao Lin gave up, which would be exactly what they wanted.

He could not give up!

Xiao Lin temporarily stopped his assault and thought to himself. The alchemical being would not attack by itself, but at the same time, he still only had five minutes. Since that was the case, he decided to try using Ruin.

Xiao Lin breathed in and once again activated Miracle, his gaze turning abnormally cold, causing the officials looking on to widen their eyes, reevaluating Xiao Lin.

'Flame Wave Sword!'