The Encounter at The Fine Arts Academy

"Uh, it's actually like this," Xiao Lin quickly began to explain. Perhaps that was the best explanation he could offer for his whimsical confession that day.

"When I went home, my parents kept on nagging me to go on a blind date. You know the situation we're in. We can only go back to Earth for a few days every year. Even if I wanted to, it's impossible to find a girlfriend on Earth...but it's hard to explain to my parents. I don't want them to worry about, uh, I just want you to do me a little favor."

Xiao Lin spoke a little incoherently, but he eventually expressed his meaning clearly. He was still a little disappointed though, as it was the first time that he ever made a confession in his entire life. While he did have crushes on several people since he was still a kid, it was actually the first time that he actually made a proper confession.