The Legend of Poseidon

In the hotel, Xiao Lin opened up Gu Chengyun's drawing and studied it, but it was still hard to determine what the pitch black sea was hiding just from that drawing.


A drawn out sigh was suddenly heard behind him, and Xiao Lin jumped in fright, deftly turning around and adopting a defensive stance. He saw Silverlight, who had been missing for many days, floating in the air, causing him to pause. His immediate response was to check if the door was locked; if someone walked in at that moment, he would probably appear on the news headlines the next day.

Silverlight had never come out during the time Xiao Lin had been on Earth, and Xiao Lin had no way to call for her. The two of them were only working together, so Silverlight decided herself when she wanted to come out.

"I told you the last time, stop coming out so suddenly. You'll scare me to death!" Xiao Lin cursed.