Wan Yuelan’s Doubts

After bidding farewell to his family, Xiao Lin flew straight to the city where the Earth Division was situated, and he saw Mao Tianying at the airport. This man had been waiting with his car, ready for a long time, and enthusiastically helped Xiao Lin with his luggage. In fact, Xiao Lin did not have much baggage to begin with.

After raising some queries while on the road, Xiao Lin found out that he was the last freshman to return to school. The student union had repeatedly sent people to press on the matter. The student council president had also stepped in to defend him, lest his credits be deducted for his postponement of returning to school.

Gu Xiaoyue had already left some time ago and did not choose to travel with Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin felt some regret at this, as he still had many things to say to her.