Distorted Space-Time

In between the man's palms, a galaxy-like, endless darkness was quickly forming with that black orb as the heart of it. An immense amount of dust and stones, and even the ice shards and flames from the surroundings, were frantically being sucked in.

Ivan had a startled expression. "Using the pull between spaces to form a miniature blackhole? After not meeting each other for a few years, you've actually mastered this killer technique! However, Song, with your power, you will only be able to create a blackhole. You won't be able to control it. You should know more clearly than I do what losing control of a blackhole means! You… Are you trying to die?!

"Since that's the case, then let's try it out. A collision between a blackhole and a meteor, hahaha. I want to see what kind of power it will produce! Let's go! Collide with that meteor!"