The Origin Of Starburst

If even Song Junlang, who had a backer, was kept in the dark, then it was definitely something big. Xiao Lin did not want to cause any trouble, especially since it was about another academy. He had no reason to care, so Xiao Lin stopped harping on that topic and went on to ask about the elemental sword aura.

Song Junlang used to be an extremely powerful elemental swordsman before he lost his powers. He had been at the Gold rank, even if not many people knew about that anymore with how many ears having passed. However, Xiao Lin once read the records in the library before. It was an easy matter for him to check some unimportant records in the library after the president raised his reading rights.

That was why Xiao Lin knew that Song Junlang would definitely be able to answer him.

"What? Starburst? You're learning that technique?!" Song Junalng's calm face turned strange after hearing Xiao Lin's questions.