The End Of An Era

The choice was ultimately in his hands.

Would he rip the letter apart, or hand the letter to himself?

Would he choose a comfortable and peaceful life, or a future filled with turbulence?

Xiao Lin struggled and hesitated. The thin letter in his hands felt incredibly heavy at that moment. The scenes in his mind constantly flashed, and finally settled on that vague figure.

In a flash, Xiao Lin suddenly calmed down. Not for his future, and not for his past; for that figure that he could never remember clearly, yet never forget, he knew what he should do.

Xiao Lin stepped forward, knocking on the red door as he said, "Open the door! Delivery!" After that, he left the letter at the front of the door.

He had still been wondering if he needed to hide anywhere if the him from inside came out, but the moment the door opened, Xiao Lin did not even have the chance to see his other self when his entire body was once again swallowed up by the light.