
She was hiding behind the wall and slowly peeked through the window, few feet away three cops were standing, their backs facing her. She quickly moved back to hide herself.

She could hear one of the cops speaking on the phone, "She realised something was wrong and escaped before one of our men could reach her but the good news is, he managed to shoot her in the left leg, I am sure she couldn't go very far, she must be here somewhere. We will find her before the sunrise."

After talking on phone, the cop looked at his other two colleagues and said, "We have to catch her, she is the leader of the Russo Gang. If we get hold of her then the entire gang can collapse."

Another cop was confused and asked, "But how can the entire gang collapse just by capturing the leader?"

The third cop laughed, "You are new here so you may not know but out of all the things Italian Mafia is known for, the one that stands out the most is loyalty. All the gang members are blind followers of their leader, if their leader is caught then they will go to any extent and can do anything in exchange for their leader's freedom, the Russo Gang too is famous for its loyal followers, they can happily die for their leader."

"Oh" The second cop nodded understanding how important it was to capture Amara Russo, the leader of the Russo Gang.

They then went to search for her in other buildings.

Amara slowly came out of her hiding spot, she lied on the ground and started crawling slowly. She was dressed in black long-sleeved shirt and black pants; she was trying to merge with the darkness. There were no lights in this area so she managed to hide herself.

Her left leg hurt was hurting when she crawled towards the exit, the bullet was hit on her calf. If the bullet didn't hit her, she would have easily dealt with these three cops but she knows she should not attack them right now and she should manage to hide from them till the sunrise. Once it is morning her men will easily find her.

She managed to crawl till the exit and she hid behind the barrel and checked her surroundings, she understood the three cops were checking other buildings, she slowly went to the building opposite to her which was just checked by the cops.

They won't search the place they already did, with this thought she sneakily and carefully managed to reach the building. The building was under construction. This area was the most deserted part of the city, because of some circumstances she came here and later she realised it was a trap set by the cops, she tried to escape but one of the men who trapped her was able to shoot her but she still managed to hide herself but in the process of running away she lost her phone. She cursed herself for falling into this trap. She went to one of the rooms in the building which would not come into one's attention, she checked the room for any exits or other ways to enter or exit the room, after checking there was no other way to enter or exit the room and then she settled in one of the corners.

Her leg was paining and she thought she might lose her leg, after she was shot, as soon as she hid herself, she removed her long inner wear and tied it around her wound to stop the bleeding. That's why she was able to manage till now. Although the wound is painful, she was well trained and could bear with it. She closed her eyes and didn't dare to breathe heavily. She knows the three cops were searching this area but there were more cops on this mission and everyone is searching for her, she cursed herself for not carrying her gun with her. She thought, 'What was I thinking to come here all alone without any weapons, once I get out of here safely, I will kill the people involved in laying this trap. But I need to find out who is behind this, I am sure of one thing, it is someone from Grade A'. This thought hurt her more than the wound on her leg, people in Grade A are the most loyal people under the boss, their ranking is just below the leader of the gang and it was impossible for someone from Grade A to lay a trap to betray the boss. It pained her knowing that someone who is most loyal to her is planning to kill her.

Just then she heard the sound of footsteps. She crawled and hid herself behind the door. With every passing minute, the sound of the footsteps was getting louder. She closed her eyes and for the first time she was scared. The door to the room opened and a man entered the room she was hiding in.

She thought, 'How could someone directly come here, it is like this man knows I am hiding here. Is he the one who betrayed me? How does he know I was here?'. Her thoughts were interrupted when the man closed the door she was hiding behind, the door was closed with a loud bang revealing her to him.

She could see the man's legs and she slowly lifted her head to see who was the man who dared to betray her, when she saw his face the color was drained from her face and she was shaken, she could never believe in her wildest dreams that he is the one who betrayed her. Her face became pale and breathing air became even more difficult for her, in this condition she just managed to say one word, "Why?"

It was very soft, barely audible but in the night of silence, he heard what she said, he squatted down and his face was facing hers, he smiled sinisterly and said, "For Power"

He again stood up and pulled a gun from his pocket, he put a silencer on it and pointed the gun towards her head. She understood it was the end of her and she closed her eyes, waiting for the bullet to finish her.

She once heard, when a person faces their death, their entire life flashes in front of them and at that moment she realized why was this true, as her entire life flashed right in front of her eyes, the journey of how Amara Brown became Amara Russo, the ruthless leader of Russo Gang.