Cutting the Roots

Amara was waiting in anticipation to see if the code she entered right or wrong, just then there was a click sound and the door opened.

Although Amara was 90% sure the code is right, she was still surprised when the door happened.

She looked at Michael with a bright smile, he just had a slight smile on his face as she was able to finish the task. That slight smile was enough to brighten Amara's mood.

"So great uncle, now can I see what is behind this door?" Amara asked.

"Sure dear you earned it. I am happy your grandma did at least one good thing in life" he sarcastically commented.

Amara was curious to know the story behind the date, August 8, but right now she decided to stay quiet and know what is behind this secret door.

Michael took the lead and opened the door, as soon as the door opened she could see there were steps in there.

"Amara, close the door behind us, we don't want anyone else following."

"Oh right and anyway this door can be opened from inside so it would be fine" Amara added as she remembered Michael telling this to her earlier.

"Be careful and hold the staircase railing."

Amara chuckled, "I am not a child."

Seeing her actions Michael thought she is sometimes a child and sometimes she is not, he just couldn't not care for her, he was also wondering if he did the right thing separating her from her family, lost in his thoughts he missed the last step and was about to trip but Amara was quick and she held his shoulders from behind and saved him from falling down.

"Thank you" Michael smiled

"You don't need to thank me, great uncle." Amara smiled and thought how a gentle and calm person like him became a mafia leader and was curious to know more about her great uncle.

Michael smiled hearing her words and thought, 'she is like the granddaughter I never had, this is another good thing Bria did in her life.'

Amara was shocked when she saw what was underground.

It was just like a normal beautiful house underground the main house. There was a living room, three bedrooms, kitchen, two lavish bathrooms and one study room. She didn't expect to see another house here.

There were a lot of lights and the place was properly lit, she wondered how there is electricity here and why everything looked so normal.

"It took a lot of effort to arrange everything here, there is a separate wifi too here" Michael answered, understanding what Amara must be thinking.

"Wow great uncle I can't believe there is a house here, it is awesome."

Michael chuckled seeing her, "Yes, this is for emergency, if we are ever under attack then we need to hide temporarily and that's why this place, come here."

He then took her to the kitchen and she followed.

He signalled her to check the refrigerator and she did. She was surprised to see fresh vegetables and all basic food necessities and even more in the refrigerator.

"This is awesome"

"Yeah the things here are always updated"

"Great uncle if I would have failed to unlock the door, then what would have happened." Amara asked innocently.

"Hello sir"

Just then she heard another voice and turned around.

A tall man with broad shoulders was standing there, he was wearing all black clothes and was bald, he was holding a gun in his right hand and gave a villainous vibe.

Amara shuddered in fear as she was sure she locked the door tight and wondered how he came in.

"Amara, this is John, one of the men who work with the Russo gang."

Amara was shocked to see Michael being so calm, she thought he would be upset with her as she didn't lock the door properly.

"John, you did a good job waiting here."

"Thank you sir" John smiled back.

Seeing John smile, Amara was more relaxed and she understood he was not here to harm them. This made her more courageous.

"Mr John, how did you enter this house, I properly locked the door behind me." Amara decided to satisfy her curiosity.

"I was here for the last three hours." John answered.

Amara was surprised and looked at Michael.

"I was not sure if you would unlock the door or not so I already asked him to stay here, in case you would have failed in cracking the code then he would have opened the door from inside, this was my backup plan." Michael explained.

Amara nodded, understanding.

"John, can I look at your gun?" Michael asked.

"Sure sir" John felt privileged when Michael asked to see his gun.

John was new to the Russo gang and was at a very low level in the hierarchy. It was a privilege for him that he was doing a task directly for Michael without any middlemen involved and now Michael is even calling him by his name. He was very happy. He handed his gun to Michael.

"Amara do you remember one more important thing that I told you earlier?" Michael seriously asked.

Amara was actually thinking about what Michael said earlier since she saw John, 'No one knows about this secret room except for me' is what Michael told her earlier.

"Yes great uncle, I remember." she answered

"What was it?"

"No one else other than you knows about this secret room."


The next moment there was a gunshot sound and the next second John was lying on the floor dead.

Michael killed John with his own gun.

Amara was not surprised as she expected something like this to happen as John got to know of a secret he should not, although it was the first time Amara saw a murder, she didn't feel any emotions.

"Are you scared?" Michael asked Amara

"No. He came across a secret which he shouldn't, we can't trust him to keep his mouth shut, it is better to shut him off permanently than taking a risk which could cost our lives in the future." She coldly answered, the innocent girl from earlier was gone and was replaced by a cold, ruthless and an indifferent person.

Michael too didn't expect her to be so calm seeing a murder. "You are right, if we encounter something dangerous, it is better to finish off its roots instead of waiting for it to grow and become stronger, it would be more difficult to cut a well grown tree than cutting off the roots when it was young."