The Task

After their training, Amara went to her room to have a bath. Gabriel went to Michael who was now relaxing in the garden.

"I am sorry, I doubted your decision leader, she is the perfect successor to the Russo gang, how did you know about her talent?"

"Honestly, I didn't, she was the one who showed interest in joining mafia and my instincts said she would be perfect and I followed it."

"As expected of leader"

Michael chuckled, "I thought it will take a lot of time for you to accept her."

"I thought the same but she is way better than I expected and it seems she is opposite to how Bria was."

"Yes, she is different from everyone in her family."

"When are you planning to hold a naming ceremony for her and officially change her name to Amara Russo."

"When she will completely prove she is capable of being a Russo, then."

"And when is that?"

"You will know soon."

Amara came downstairs and found Michael and Gabriel waiting for her at the lunch table.

The lunch was exquisite and Amara was happy to see amazing and variety of food options.

"Do you guys eat such food every day?"

"Yes" Michael replied.

"Woah, I love being in the mafia" Amara grinned widely.

"But you know at times we also survive on the basic food too, when you are on missions or in some isolated areas you can't expect such food."

Amara nodded in understanding, "Got it leader."

Michael smiled and all three had a hearty lunch. Gabriel too became more friendlier and they talked about Amara's childhood and her school stories.

Then Amara and Gabriel continued their training till dinner time, she slept after having dinner.

This routine continued for the next 45 days. Amara improved exceptionally, now when she shoots a target it always hits the bull's eye, she never scores anything but 10. She is now way better at martial arts and was able to defeat not just Gabriel but other bodyguards too. She earned respect of all the bodyguards who live in the Russo household as she proved her skills and overpowered them. Gabriel was very proud of her and gave equal credits to Amara and himself for training her so well.

After the final day of training Michael called Amara to his study room.

"You have successfully completed your training, way before than I expected."

"Thank you, great uncle, how long did you expect the training will go on for by the way?"

"60 to 90 days"

"Hahahaha, then I surely beat you at your expectations."

"Yes, you did."

"Then now can I officially become Amara Russo?"

"No, not yet."

Amara got disappointed hearing that.

She pouted and asked, "Why great uncle? Uncle Gabriel said I am amazing, I defeated all our bodyguards, I am ready to take over the gang now."

"Yeah, the next task will decide that."

"What next task?"

"You must be tired today, go and sleep, tomorrow I'll give you one task, which you will lead. Based on how you perform, handle and lead it, I'll decide if you are ready to be Amara Russo or you will continue to be Amara Brown."

"Okay, I'll definitely not disappoint you great uncle, I'll give my best."

Then they had dinner and Amara went to sleep, her mind was full of thoughts about the next task, she confidently told him she won't disappoint him but she still had her doubts, she wondered what kind of task is she going to get, she felt nervous with the thought of it, then she decided to push all the thoughts away and take a good rest.

Next day

Amara woke up at 4am, her body got used to her sleep cycle and she can now wake up before 4am without an alarm.

She freshened up and went downstairs.

Michael and Gabriel were sitting in the living room and there were five more other people, she was seeing them for the first time but she already knew who they were.

She approached them and took a seat opposite Michael.

"Morning Amara" Michael wished.

"Morning great uncle, morning uncle Gabriel." Amara and Gabriel became so close that she started calling him uncle instead of captain.

"Morning Amara."

"So, what is my task?" Amara came straight on point.

"We got a contract from Mr X, a man stole diamonds worth of 10 Million Dollars from Mr X and escaped, Mr X gave us the task to track this man and get his diamonds for him, we will get 500,000 Dollars from this deal. These are the five men who will update you with the rest of the information and would assist you in this task."

Michael looked at a man who looked older than the other four.

"Hello, I am James, I am one of the soldiers and I work immediately under Gabriel, these four are my associates – Dan, Victor, Jim and Carl."

During the training Gabriel did not train Amara only in the physical aspects but also trained her about the organisation structure of their Mafia group. He explained how there is a boss, next to him is underboss, Caporegime work under the underboss and they have soldiers working under them who have associates working under them. Gabriel is one of the Caporegime and she knew James is one of the most trusted soldiers under him. Gabriel showed her pictures and made her aware of every important member in the group. She knew, the five people currently standing there are not ordinary and are one of the best in their fields, she also knows it will be difficult to lead them until and unless she wins their trust.

"Tell me all the information you have." Amara commanded James.

James continued, "After research we got to know, that man is currently running a restaurant in the Vulcano island, which is approximately 4 hours away from here. He looks like a plain simple man but he is also doing illegal businesses in there. We got a tip that the diamonds worth 10 Million Dollars are in the same restaurant, unlike other people he keeps these diamonds with him in the restaurant instead of in banks, he doesn't trust anyone other than himself. We need to now go and get these diamonds from him, so please lead us."

James bowed to her after explaining the task.