Happiness didn’t last long

"After some time the last employee working at the restaurant left and the owner and those two were the only two people in the restaurant, then Jim and Carl too entered the place, the old man first didn't let them in but I was not sure what they said and he let them in and after a minute or so the lights of the restaurant were all turned off and Dan was not in his spot which implied he switched off the power.

I quickly entered the restaurant from the back door, since I have been visiting the place multiple times I knew about every entry and exit so I quietly entered the restaurant and hid behind the cash counter, then you guys tied him and waited for him to get conscious, after that when you guys asked him about the diamonds and were about to kill him I came out of my hiding and you know the rest"  

Everyone now understood what exactly happened and were silent.

"So, you decided to give back the diamonds and save your life and join us instead of running away?" James questioned him


"How are you so good at martial arts?" Carl asked him as he was curious.

"I am an orphan and was often bullied by local kids for my status, so to protect myself I trained in every form, there were local classes which I couldn't afford so I used to observe the classes from outside to learn.

Once the owner saw me and asked me to get lost so I offered to work at the class as a cleaning boy and in exchange he needs to teach me how to fight instead of paying me, he agreed so that's how I learnt all these techniques, they all interested me which was the other reason I wanted to learn fighting."

Vic and Carl felt bad knowing this story.

"Okay then I'll ask my men to run a background check on you" James announced implying he is fine with recruiting Joshua.

Hearing his words Joshua felt happy but his happiness didn't last long.