Universal Mission

"No sir, it is my honor that the boss has invited me for dinner" Joshua bowed to him and talked as respectfully and politely as possible, one can see that Joshua was genuinely happy and was feeling privileged to meet Michael.

His respect towards the boss was real.

Jim and Carl who just joined the others were surprised by Joshua's 180-degree change in attitude, he was arrogant towards every one of them except for Amara and now he was behaving so politely that for a second all five men were confused if he is the real Joshua or the arrogant one, they met earlier was the real deal but no one expressed their thoughts and just smiled.

The bartender got drinks for everyone and they all made themselves comfortable and sat on the couches.

Joshua glanced around the living room, his eyes were searching for a certain someone who was not present, he was so subtle in his actions that no one noticed it.