Three Events

"That's what you two will plan, right?" Vic awkwardly asked them, he was confused as his job is to get every kind of information, they would need for strategizing a fool proof plan as it was their job to plan everything and decide how to go on about it, he was not sure what to answer.

Joshua and Amara looked at him with puppy eyes as they felt lost, Vic was now sweating seeing them looking at him this way.

"Should I call rest of the team to help you two with strategize a plan?" Vic looked worried.

Suddenly Joshua and Amara started laughing seeing Vic's reaction and he got confused seeing them laughing at him.

"Vic we were just playing a prank on you" Amara was still laughing at him.

"Why?" Vic now felt better as initially he thought these two were hopeless and they needed help.

"Because it is fun to prank people." Joshua winked at him.

"Sorry Vic, please continue your presentation." Amara again turned serious.