I Own Him

"Don't you dare curse at me Mr. Aaron Devies, here I am covering up for you and therefore this future sister-in-law of yours deserve more respect from you." Amelia's heart rate was now back to normal and she was teasingly smiling at him.

"I respect you a lot Amelia and you know that, also I am really thankful to you for lying to your sister for me but what the hell are you doing here right now? If Amara would realize you came here to meet me like this in the elevator then don't you think she will already doubt us. She already doubts my identity as Joshua, with you acting like this her doubts would only deepen" He worriedly explained his stance.

"Don't worry Aaron, just chill, Amara went to use the washroom and I am sure she will take a lot of time to come out, I know her but in case I reach late and she asks me where I was, I'll just say the security called me downstairs to give me some society brochure."