Do You Like Me?

"What happened?" He asked her as he could see she wanted to tell him something but was hesitating.

She held his right hand which was caressing her cheeks and placed it on her left cheek and moved his hand across her cheeks.

Aaron was surprised as he understood she was asking him to caress her cheeks just like he did earlier.

"You like it when I do this?" He asked holding her face between his two hands and softly rubbed on her cheeks with his thumb.

She nodded her head.

Aaron was surprised seeing her cute side and he never expected Amara to say something like this, he even wondered if she was mistaking him for someone else.

This thought enraged him and he wondered if there is someone that Amara likes and misunderstood him to be that guy, so with a heavy heart, he asked her.

"Who am I?"

"Human being"

"Amara be serious, who am I?"