Give Those Letters Back...

"Then why did you do it?" Amara couldn't keep it inside her heart anymore and continue pretending she was fine with it, no matter what she did she was not fine with him hiding stuff from her especially when it is related to her and her family.

"Because I was scared." Michael confessed.

"Scared about what?"

"Scared that you would leave me once you get to know how much your family is longing for you."

"That does not make any sense."

"Amara, you left your family because you thought you don't fit with them, you don't feel the bond you should with them and that's the reason you came with me."

"No, that is not true at all, although I didn't feel I fit with them does not mean I would leave my family." She informed him and added, "I wanted to be a part of this mafia gang, I wanted to be here and that is why I came with you."