Am I That Special?

One Month Later

It was the starting week of February and in the last month Amara received the invitation to the H Magazine's 50th anniversary party. 

Clothes and flight tickets for her and Joshua were sent by Aaron.

Although the event is on 14th February, the tickets were booked for 9th February to 16th February.

Amara wondered why Aaron Devies would want them to spend an entire week in Paris.

She contacted Amelia to know the reason but she told her Aaron has gone for some important business trip and therefore she too was not able to contact him and has no idea why he called her earlier.

The truth is Amelia too had no idea and she contacted Bill, Aaron's assistant who told her that he has no idea and he just followed his boss' orders.

Amara had no choice but to travel on the days the tickets have been booked on.