I Am Jealous

The person secretly eavesdropping on their conversation thought, 'Hmm so Amara finally got to know the real reason behind why I attacked our beloved Big Boss. This Joshua is smarter than I thought, 'If these two discuss everything like this then I might get caught soon but luckily, I have time till this Angelo's mission is over, need to come up with something so that these people would never reach me. It is good that currently they are doubting Gabriel but it is not long when they will start doubting me'

He then sinisterly smiled as he is one step ahead of them by installing these devices. 

He was proud of himself to install these devices after attacking Michael just in case and since Amara's apartment was empty at that time, he easily did it and didn't expect this would actually help him come across information like this, then he thought, 'Things will be very interesting from now on'
