Mr Devies; Ms Brown

It was an important day for them and since Amara promised him, they can continue later after they capture Angelo, Aaron behaved himself and only did her makeup.

All the necessary stuff was already available at home as Bill made all the arrangements in advance.

Aaron did light makeup on Amara as her skin was very good and it was naturally beautiful and shining so he did not have to spend too much time on her face and he did a basic makeup.

But he took more time to do her eye makeup, because of the mask, her eyes would be more highlighted.

Then he dressed her hair.

He first planned to tie her hair in a low bun but that exposed her beautiful neck and he didn't like anyone else getting a chance to look at it so he dropped that idea and did a simple hairstyle with her hair left open and she looked pretty in that too.

After two hours Amara was ready.

"Wow I didn't know I look so beautiful." Amara exclaimed when she saw herself in the mirror.