Hard Work Gone Into Drain

Amara knew he was genuinely concerned for her and he does love her but right now she was not in her sane mind.

She already tried to maintain her sanity in his mother's presence but not anymore, she can't pretend to be fine with what all is happening when she is actually not fine with it.

"Amara please." Aaron begged her.

Amara finally walked to the couch which was placed on the outside sitting area and she sat there.

Aaron too sat on the couch but he sat as far away from her as possible as right now his presence is only going to irritate her and he doesn't intend to do anything that she won't like or would be uncomfortable with.

Aaron wanted to talk to her but saw her still sobbing and her heart beat was uneven so he first went inside.

Amara was crying a lot and she didn't bother herself with him.

Aaron then came out with a bottle of water and a glass.

"Amara, please drink some water."

"I don't want to"