I Know How To Shut You Up

"Seems you have a lot of personal experience with her" Jackson teased him, even Aaron laughed.

"Yeah, nothing is hidden from you"

"Of course, after all my brother-in-law told me everything" Jackson winked at him.

"What's up now? Where are you going?" Aaron asked him.

"Need to stay there and get all the statements from everyone, once I give them clean chit, they will be free to go"

"After Jim's interrogation is done, let him know, I want to meet him" Aaron said.

"Done, Jim is our man, I will take good care of him, don't worry." Jackson then looked around, "Where is your assistant, Bill?"

"Check the time" 

When Jackson checked his watch, he was surprised it is already 5 am.

"What the fuck? Why do you look so fresh?" Jackson couldn't believe it is almost morning as Aaron looked very fresh.

"Not the first time, I pulled an all-nighter" Aaron smirked and closed his laptop.