Amazing and Perfect

Seeing the surprise on Amara's face, Aaron explained, "I once told her about that night in Paris."

"What is wrong with you?" Amara shouted at Aaron, "Why would you tell all of that to my sister?" Amara was embarrassed right now.

"Oh wow, glad you at least acknowledged me as your sister" Amelia taunted her but she too was enjoying Amara's reaction at her bold words.

"I didn't give her the details, though" Aaron informed Amara, teasing her.

"But he left everything to my imagination, and I am sure you had a lot of fun that night" Amelia continued teasing her sister.

"Ams, enough is enough. Stop talking about that night, it doesn't concern you." Amara warned Amelia then she turned her attention to Aaron, "And anyway, I don't remember anything about that night. I forgot everything and moved on. You too should do the same" Amara lied to Aaron, hoping for him to get the reality check.