Thoughts and Memories

Aaron continued reading from his laptop, "Whenever he kisses me, I feel like chills pass through my body. My whole body feels like it has been set on fire. That is the effect he has on me. His wet lips and big palms…"

"ENOUGH" Amara shouted at Aaron interrupting his reading.

Aaron paused only for a moment, before continuing, "His wet lips and big palms held me in place. When he holds me, I feel secured it feels like I am being protected from everyone in this world. I hugged him back and responded to his kiss…"

"Aaron, I am warning you, stop reading it" Amara shouted at him again.

"And responded to his kiss with equal passion. I was breathless, we broke the kiss and he moved to my neck and bit there. The pain I felt due to his bite…"

"Aaron, please" This time Amara didn't shout at him, neither she ordered him to shut up, she requested him helplessly.