Boy Toy

"Can you help me sleep on my right side, it would be more comfortable for us to sleep then" Amara realized how difficult it would be if Aaron kept sleeping like this, so she decided to make more space for him, so that he can sleep on his back instead of on his side.

Aaron smiled at her request and he helped her sleep on her right. Since, it was her left calf that was hurt, it won't be painful if she slept like this facing him.

The two people were now facing each other, with Amara sleeping on Aaron's arm.

"You can sleep straight if you want" Amara suggested but before she could lift her head to free his hand, Aaron hugged her closer and kissed her nose.

"Hey, don't cross the line" Amara warned him, looking serious.

Aaron turned off the room light using a remote to set the mood and looked at her. 

Due to the faint light coming from the window into the room, Aaron was able to look at Amara's face.