
"Hmm, then make me forget them, do something that would not let my mind allow the thoughts of other women" he sucked on her neck.

Amara closed her eyes feeling the tingling sensation on her neck, in reflex she hugged his neck and leaned back her head, giving him better access to her body.

Parting her hair to the other side, Aaron wildly bit on her soft skin, encouraged by her actions.

"Aaronn ahh" Amara moaned softly.

Aaron turned her around, switching their positions and pressed her hips against the table, he had been leaning on and kissed her hard.

Their breathing turned heavy, and their hearts were pounding faster.

Amara moved her lips against his, with equal passion. 

Aaron grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss, while his hand travelled down her body.

Unbuttoning her denim shorts, Aaron's hand sneaked into her underwear and he rubbed his finger against her core.