Confirming the Identity

"Don't… Don't kill me. Get lost, demon. Get lost! Don't come over!"

The asleep young man waved his hands forward as if he was holding a wooden stick to drive away a beast.

He had his eyes closed, and his face was full of fear as he trembled and shook all over.

He looked more terrified with each passing second.

"Indeed, he's enjoying fear. His source of power comes from the victim's fear, and he will only kill when the target's fear reaches its peak!"

Chen Gou's eyes gleamed as he confirmed his suspicions even more.

Right at that moment, the female captain of the Wildfire Demon Hunter Team, Angeline, used her innate skill, Soul Link, according to the previous plan.

As soon as she rushed behind the fear-tormented young man, a green soul light shot from the area between her brows and landed on the young man, connecting the two like a chain.

An aura of common destiny and soul resonance pervaded everything.

Once the Soul Link was established, Angeline would experience the same terror that the young man was experiencing.

She closed her eyes and entered a deep sleep.

Her expression was calm at first, and she also calmed the young man down.

It seemed that she had seen the young man in that nightmarish world and given him hope to overcome his fears.

"It seems that the demon isn't really that great. He can only bully ordinary people, but Angeline took care of it right away," the strong male member of the Wildfire Team said proudly.

"Let's just pray that your captain will be able to wake up alive first."

Chen Gou quickly walked over to Angeline with a vial of bloodworm essence extract in his hand, ready to pour it into her mouth at any time.

If the demon behind this was really the one he suspected, then this was just the beginning.

The four members of the Wildfire Team said nothing else, but it was clear from their disapproving look that, although they didn't want to take the blame for contradicting the Abyssal Knights, they didn't approve of this.

"What do you see?" Tony, who had followed Chen Gou, asked.

"It's very likely a demon that can kill people in their nightmares. He has a very terrifying power that can map the damage done in the nightmare back to reality!" Chen Gou simply voiced his theory.

"It has such power?"

Tony was appalled. The dreamworld reflected reality, and illusions and reality were connected. This was not just an ordinary application of magic.

"Although this power is strange, does it mean that he can't harm someone if he's defeated in the dreamworld?"

Tony, who was worthy of being an elite cultivated by a large family, quickly deduced many things and grasped the key point.

Chen Gou shook his head and answered, "I'm worried that the dreamworld is the demon's home ground and he will be invincible inside!"


Before he could finish his words, the young man and Angeline let out a miserable scream at the same time.

Two wounds caused by a sharp weapon appeared on the right side of their chest simultaneously.

It seemed as though someone had pinned the two of them while they were standing one behind the other by using a sharp lance.

The eased situation instantly changed drastically.

The young man looked much more terrified than before, while cold sweat broke out on Angeline's forehead and a vague hint of fear appeared on her face.

"As expected, Angeline is not the demon's match in the nightmare!"


As thoughts were running through Chen Gou's mind, the young man suddenly flew backward and crashed into Angeline, knocking her back with him.

He stopped only after consecutively knocking a dozen villagers down, but his chest had completely collapsed. Dark red blood gushed out of his mouth, so it was clear that he couldn't be saved.

The villagers saw the young man's distorted, fierce, and desperate look, which led to an uproar. The nearby villagers crawled far away for fear of being haunted by the demon.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Angeline, who was still alive and sitting on the ground, let out a miserable scream.

Her face was drenched in blood and a claw mark had appeared, causing her head to split by a crack. Even the contents in her head could be seen vaguely.

By using his special skills to look at her HP, he found out that she was left with a very dangerous 75 HP.

The most important characteristic of an Awakener's magical body was that their HP would not drop to zero and thus they theoretically wouldn't die.

However, if they were attacked in fatal areas like their head and heart, it would cause critical damage, thus doubling the HP loss.

"Hurry up and disconnect the Soul Link!"

Chen Gou roared as he rushed forward. He opened her mouth with his left hand and poured the bloodworm extract essence inside with his other hand.

The drug was activated and instantly restored 30% of her maximum HP, pulling her back from the brink of death.

At the same time, another female member of the Wildfire Team had a mysterious rune floating in her palm and pressed it against the area between Angeline's brows.

With a bam, a layer of blue light shrouded her and isolated her from the outside, breaking the connection with her soul.


Angeline spat out black blood that gave off a stench before she finally opened her eyes and regained consciousness.

The female member of the Wildfire Team hurriedly rubbed several topical healing agents on her head.

"How do you feel?" Chen Gou asked at once.

Angeline took deep breaths and calmed down after a minute.

"I'm fine. I won't die."

The strength of a magical body was now beginning to manifest. As her HP stabilized and was slowly restored, the crack on her skull actually began to heal.

"It's a dreamworld with a very powerful demon inside. No matter what skills I use, he will always be stronger than me!"

Angeline added with lingering fear, "Also, when I was about to die, a white pillar of light suddenly landed on my body and I instantly restored a lot of HP. Did you guys use any recovery artifacts?"

"I used a silver-grade one that can instantly restore 30% of one's maximum HP. So… help can actually be provided from reality to the dreamworld."

Chen Gou asked with a nod, "How does that demon look?"

"He has a scar on his face, and his fingers are fitted with razor-like metal claws. He also has burn marks all over and he was wearing a striped shirt…"

It was indeed him!

It was Freddy Krueger!

Chen Gou was completely sure of his guess.

The demon that did as he pleased in the White Stone Village was actually the perverted nightmarish killer in the movie A Nightmare on Elm Street.

I didn't expect that even A Nightmare on Elm Street would emerge in the Abyssal World, but Freddy has already broken through the space-time tunnel and descended here.

Chen Gou once again scraped information regarding Freddy from his mind.

Freddy was a kindergarten gardener when he was alive. Because he was ugly and not liked by people, he lived in solitude. As a result, he was eccentric and perverted.

He was set on fire in an abandoned factory by enraged parents who had blocked the place due to his serial brutal murders of kindergarten children. After his death, he made a pact with demons in hell and gained demonic powers, thus returning from hell as a terrifying nightmare demon.

He fed on and drew power from human fear, and his power would grow when humans were more fearful.

He could plunge anyone who was asleep into a nightmare, and anyone he killed in the nightmare would die in reality as well.

The nightmare was connected to reality, and all the damage suffered in the dream would show up in reality.

His endless power in the nightmare had created a creepy demon like him.

In theory, he was unbeatable!

However, like all seemingly invincible villains, he had an Achilles' heel.

If anyone could grab onto Freddy the moment they woke up from a nightmare, they could bring him with them to reality.

In reality, he was much weaker than he was in the nightmare.

"The key now is how we can get Freddy out of the dreamworld!"