Snow Python’s Secret Cave

Six lightning-like flashes streaked about and attacked Chu Chen from multiple directions. Qing Yue tried to warn him, but she did not even have time to have even let out a sound. The dire wolves had been too quick. With six of them having attacked at the same time, they feared that Chu Chen would not have made it even with his reaction speed.

Fang Yong felt the entire world around him had been growing dimmer. The ray of hope that he finally found had been about to be put out!

Li Tian, whose chest had still been bleeding, felt a sudden joy of vengeance in his heart. 'You're just like me, unable to escape their claws.'


When Chu Chen dodged the first dire wolf that charged at him, everyone gasped deeply and watched as Chu Chen crushed its head with a single fist!

The exploding wolf corpse turned into a mist of blood that lingered in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang, bang, bang!

Evade, attack, evade, attack, evade, and continuous attacks!

Under the wolf pack's crazed attacks, Chu Chen seemed to have transformed into an intangible spirit. No matter how vicious the attacks were, they could not have even scratched him. Instead, each of his fist seemed to have materialized from its intangible form into an iron fist of god, having crushed a wolf head with each strike.

None of his strikes missed. Just like that, all the snow dire wolves had their head blown away one by one. Their skin and bones had been torn apart while the rest of the internal organs had been scattered in the air along with their blood.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

In the blink of an eye, those snow dire wolves that joined the fray continuously eventually died under Chu Chen's iron fists. As a chilling breeze blew, the group finally noticed the cliff had turned into a silent snowy tomb for the dire wolves.

Chu Chen stood there watching the strewn corpses of the wolves like a god of war, having looked down on all of them.

When Li Tian met his gaze, he almost peed his pants from the shock. He deeply regretted his decision to have offended this killing machine!

He would never dreamt that the number one trash within the sect would have been the number one killing machine.

Whereas Fang Yong had already prostrated himself before Chu Chen and begged for mercy for all the mockeries he made earlier, having feared that Chu Chen might have seeked retribution with him.

Meanwhile, Qing Yue felt a great sense of relief washed over her. She knew that Chu Chen had been someone she could not fathom. He managed to save the blood orchid and took out the snow dire wolves with his bare fists. Nevertheless, a companion like that made her feel at ease.

Only Liu Bo had still been dumbfounded and stuck in a daze from that shocking battle. He felt as though it had been a dream, one that he would have never believed in his entire life.

'How is he trash? That's a monster!'

After having battled with the snow dire wolves, Chu Chen had been exhausted. After all, he had only been at the Spiritual Mist Stage. That kind of high intensity combat took quite a toll on him.

With that, he quickly assumed the lotus position and went to sleep after they had set up camp on a flat spot. This type of slumber would have guaranteed the optimal growth of spiritual energy within his body.

It would have benefited his attempt to have condensed a spiritual droplet to achieve the Spiritual Droplets Stage.

Over an unknown length of time, Chu Chen subconsciously stretched his body and woke up from his slumber.

To his surprise, Chu Chen noticed the spiritual energy within his body turned a little purer than before after a good rest. 

The great terror and trials between life and death had the best at showing the results of one's cultivation when pushed beyond one's limits. Although Chu Chen had been exhausted both physically and mentally after having fought over a dozen snow dire wolves, the experience had also brought him massive benefits.

When the terrifying scenes replayed in his mind, he felt his mental state and combated awareness to have undergone a transformative change.

Looking up, he realized that they were located in a warm cave. He had been lying on a huge limestone slab with a bonfire that burned by his side. On top of the bonfire were a few meaty snow rabbits. A pungent burning smell began to fill the cave.

'Ah, it's getting burnt!'

Seeing the light golden skin of those rabbits on the fire, Chu Chen quickly got up to rotate the roasted meat until a layer of fat covered the surface of the meat. Only then did he let out a sigh.

It seemed like they had been roasting meat, but where did they go?

Just as Chu Chen had contemplated, a little hamster with a tuft of red hair popped out from his clothes after some squirming. "Kid, you're awake?"

"Where are they?" After sleeping for so long, Chu Chen felt hungry. Seeing that the rabbits were done being roasted, he immediately tore off a juicy rabbit leg and helped himself.

"The frost lotus of Taihan Snowy Mountain had just bloomed. When they detected its scent, they immediately set out to harvest it."

The chubby hamster tunneled out from Chu Chen's clothes and twitched its little nose, having tried its hardest to have sniffed a certain scent in the air.

Chu Chen also took a deep breath of the cold air and noticed a wonderful scent that carried a coldness with it lingering in the air. He knew the frost lotus only bloomed for a short period of time. That was why Qing Yue and the others left the roasting rabbits and rushed over to have harvested it. 

"It seems your improvement is rather significant this time. You've got a smidgen of my dashing aura. I now feel relieved for your future development." The little hamster appeared to be greatly relieved, as though Chu Chen had been a disciple that it trained.

"How long was I asleep?"

Chu Chen had already been used to the behavior of the hamster and gave its fat cheeks a pinch.

"S-s-somewhere over 20 hours. I sensed that you're quite near to the snow python that is about to transform. You need to be careful. If you run into it, there will be no chance of escape," the little hamster warned before having burrowed itself into Chu Chen's clothes. It had been extremely small, only slightly bigger than a human thumb. It would have been even smaller if it curled into a ball. When having hid in Chu Chen's clothes, its weight had not been even comparable to a few spirit stones fragments, having made its weight almost undetectable.

After wolfing down an entire roasted rabbit, the hunger in Chu Chen's stomach finally subsided.

However, he suddenly felt that something had been amiss. The frost lotus just bloomed and the snow python had been about to undergo its transformation. Were the two correlated?!

With that thought, the troubled Chu Chen quickly rushed out and sprinted following the scent of the frost lotus in the air. 

Very soon, Chu Chen arrived at the bottom of a cliff. It seemed that everyone had been at the top of the cliff. The bottom of the cliff had been filled with the scent of the frost lotus and he could have vaguely made out bickering sounds that came from above.

The cliff was about a thousand feet tall. Climbing as fast as he could, he managed to make it up the cliff in less than 30 minutes. The moment he cleared the cliff, he seemed to have entered a paradise of ice and snow.

Mist was everywhere. Above a gaping hole in the snow the frost lotus that seemed to be encrusted with jewels, sparkled under the sunlight. It had been a surreal sight.

However, Qing Yue, Fang Yong, Liu Bo, and Li Tian who was still in bandages stood in a line, looking in front of them with angry faces.

Opposite of them were a group of disciples in black-colored robes. The disciples had been like the stars that surrounded the moon. They stood around a young woman dressed in white as the two groups stared each other down.

It was that group of disciples in black that blocked Qing Yue's group from having harvested the frost lotus.

When Chu Chen's gaze fell on the young woman in white, his eyebrows twitched fervently.

The young woman had been extremely beautiful with a beautiful upward curve at the edge of her eyes. She had a thin layer of red eyeshadow that made her all the more charming. Those features had been considered as the eyes of a succubus, one that was born with extreme beauty that would have brought calamity to the world.

However, that pair of eyes that was supposed to have been gentle and seductive were now shrouded in icy coldness. It showed an arrogance that permeated her very soul. Regardless, her figure had been extremely alluring, with a curvaceous body and slender legs. With that kind of extreme contrast, it caused the young woman to be shrouded in a unique seductive and arrogant aura. She had been the first pretty pet that Chu Chen had subdued in the mine with his eaglet clone—the precious daughter of the Secret Sky Sect's master!

'It's her!'

  1. 桃花眼 (Tao Hua Yan) - directly translated as apricot eyes. It's a figure of speech