35 Billion USD Valuation

Ren Hong smiled at his roommates. At the next moment, they burst out in warm applause. Although this applause wasn't grand enough, it made Ren Hong feel incomparably satisfied for the first time ever.

"Allow me to calculate the big data!" The excited Zhang Han couldn't help but exclaim. "The number of global internet users has exceeded 3.3 billion. The number of Facebook users has exceeded 2.2 billion with more than 1.2 billion daily active users. Instagram has 580 million users with 180 million daily active users. The users active on the internet come from different countries and regions of the world. Although most of them communicate and interact in their own circles, some people who desire to communicate with the world have only one way to do so, and that is to learn English. Otherwise, their circles can hardly expand to the world. I am more inclined to believe that their circles fail to expand to the world due to communication barriers. Once the barriers are torn down, their circles will surely expand on a global scale."

The more Zhang Han spoke, oddly, the more excited he became. What did he mean by the data?

Zhang Han continued in exhilaration. "If just one-tenth, no, one-fiftieth of internet users use Real-time Online Translator, that would still be an incredible set of numbers.

"I think you underestimated people's desire for communication and interaction, which is self-evident in our country alone. I can't think of a reason why an experienced internet user who only speaks his native language wouldn't use Real-time Online Translator. How many of such users are there worldwide? I don't know the exact amount, but I'm sure they are in the millions.

"And that's a really conservative estimate; it should be measured in billions," Ren Hong corrected.

After a long time, the few of them in the room finally calmed down. These data showed them how promising this application would be. Whenever they thought about this product that could influence the world, they couldn't help but feel incomparably thrilled.

How could one not be excited when such a great product came from their company?

After a long pause, Ren Hong spoke up again on stage, saying, "I've already figured out how to make money from this product. Real-time Online Translator will be marketed as a paid software, and I've decided on a unified pricing for this product of RMB 15 for one month, RMB 41 for three months, RMB 73 for six months, RMB 139 for one year—four subscription plans in total. New users can register for a 7-days free trial, and every user who shares and successfully invites another user into using our product will enjoy an additional three days of free usage, with no upper limit."

The crowd had no objections regarding Ren Hong's pricing and promotion plans on the application. The promotional tactic wasn't anything new, but followed a simple strategy. The current state of XlouS apparently didn't allow them to spend too much money for large-scale promotions.

As for the price, RMB 15 was apparently within an affordable range. People who had the need would never skimp on RMB 15 a month. The higher the tier of the plan one purchased, the more worth it it was.

"Oh my God, our product has no competitors. How much are we looking to profit after launch? Zhou Hui was stupefied.

Ren Hong laughed, saying, "After launching Real-time Online Translator, my valuation of XlouS is 35 billion US dollars."

"35 billion? USD?"

A couple of roommates were intimidated by the astronomical figure.

It was by no means a paranoid claim, but the application was actually worth that price.

"So, Ren Hong, what's your maximum valuation of XlouS?" Zhang Han couldn't help but ask the question, a question that also caught the attention of the other roommates, who looked curiously at the young man who always wore a confident smile on the stage.

"Priceless!" Ren Hong said with unparalleled pride, "In the future, the main product of every product launch will contain a DNA that belongs to the unique corporate DNA of XlouS."

Ren Hong looked at the curious gazes of the crowd and declared, "Our company's DNA is… to change the world!"

Be it Zhang Han or Chen Kai, they couldn't help but gape when they heard those words. Perhaps no other technology company in the world dared to say that. However, Ren Hong was confident. Change the world—that was the corporate DNA of XlouS.

Ren Hong snapped his fingers and said to the crowd, "This concludes my first product introduction. We have a busy schedule ahead, Chen Kai, you're in charge of applying for the company domain name of XlouS!"

"No problem!"

"Zhou Hui! Li Wei! You two are responsible for designing the company's official website, and you'll hand it to me for review when you're done!"



"The rest of us are responsible for perfecting any possible bugs that may exist in Real-time Online Translator!"

"Got it!"

"The promotion plan will be handled by me personally." At that moment, Ren Hong scanned the crowd and said, "Brothers! Text translation is only the main function of Real-time Online Translator. In the future, we will further develop this product in the direction of instant speech-to-text translation in version 2.0, which is 10 times tougher than developing instant text translation. Although the benefits achieved are not the same as text translation, this isn't an excuse because our company is XlouS, and what is the DNA of XlouS?"

"Change the world!"

The five of them said in unison. Every single one of them was so fervent.

"Even though it's a huge challenge, we'll get there and free the 'caption translators'!" Ren Hong said with a relaxed smile, but was filled with absolute confidence. Then, he uttered a sentence that hyped up the crowd. "Brothers! Hang in there for a while, and trust me, you will be rewarded beyond your Imagination!"

35 billion dollars worth of money! Even though the five of them weren't professional market analysts, they could clearly understand the commercial value for this unique Real-time Online Translator.

"Now, it's time for you to settle down and complete the task I've assigned to you. It must be done to perfection; otherwise it's just a large, untouchable pie! Miracles won't appear out of thin air, but we can create them ourselves. Clear your head and forget about that sum of 35 billion dollars." Ren Hong's voice resounded throughout the room. It was as if he were born with the temperament of a founding leader, and the emotions of his men were driven perfectly into his expectations.