Here Comes Another Famous Person

The crowd still hadn't gotten over what Ren Hong said. They never thought, ever, that they would become billionaires just like that!

"I'm panicking a bit, Boss. Having an astronomical amount of wealth all of a sudden, I'm really panicking. How about you just pay me a little salary instead?" Chen Kai was at a loss for words.

"Brothers! Can't you be more mature like me?" Ren Hong said with a resentful look on his face.

"No! Boss, I wouldn't be able to spend all that money. Besides, my family is quite well-to-do, middle-class; better than yours! Heh, heh, but that was before. As you know, I am a man with strong integrity who views money like dirt. If you were to ask me what the most beautiful thing in this world is, I would have to say that it is a string of fascinating source codes!" Chen Kai said with some obsession.

"You deserve to be single for the rest of your life. I can see the end of your evolution, man. In the end, you will turn into either transsexual or gay!" Zhang Han mocked.

"Alright! This settles it then. Your proposed protests seconded by all of you are null and void!" Ren Hong clapped his hands gently and said, "Gentlemen! Congratulations! Congratulations to us! XlouS now has a total of six members, each of whom has officially entered the billionaire club. Let's congratulate ourselves on becoming one of the youngest billionaires in China and the world!"

"Brothers, I've decided that when the company moves out of the school, you must learn computer technology, and I want each of you to be my best aides in the future and the best core engineers in this technology company, XlouS. Are you confident of that?" Ren Hong roared.

"Yes!" It was an incredibly loud response without any hesitation, cowardice; just endless passion.

"I'll give you two minutes; cheer to your heart's content!" Ren Hong stood at the podium with his arms spread and looked at the crowd with a smile.


"How is two minutes enough? I propose three minutes!"




"Seconded! By unanimous vote, I declare an extra minute!"

The cheers in classroom 317 were incessant, and those passing by far outside the building could hear the voices coming from upstairs, making it hard to ignore.

While Ren Hong and his five buddies were making a raucous racket, Tsinghua University once again welcomed a celebrity—one who wasn't as lucky as Zuckerberg. At that moment, he didn't know how many reporters had poured into Tsinghua University with the purpose of finding that young man. It was apparent that these reporters wouldn't stop before getting a little information out of Ren Hong.

And just as the reporters ran around the school and inquired about Ren Hong's news, there were some sharp-eyed ones who spotted another celebrity, to which they suddenly pounced like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Mr. Dorsey, may I ask what is the reason for your sudden visit to China?"

"Mr. Dorsey…"

"Mr. Dorsey, does the recent visit by Mr. Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, have anything to do with you?"

"Mr. Dorsey…"

A westerner was escorted by several bodyguards. He just got out of the car and before even taking a few steps, reporters wandering around the school swarmed over from all directions.

The westerner, Jack Dorsey, didn't give any interviews. He was the current CEO of the famous social networking platform, Twitter.

Dorsey entered the school under the escort of the bodyguards and didn't say a word. But when he heard the name 'Zuckerberg', his expression slightly twitched. He should be glad that this change in expression wasn't captured in pictures by the reporters.

His heart was in suspense. His competitor, Zuckerberg himself, had already arrived and left. Dorsey's only hope now was that Zuckerberg left in defeat.

At this thought, he unconsciously accelerated his pace.

The reporters who arrived at the scene were like sharks who smelled blood. Today was no ordinary day. First, Zuckerberg arrived at Tsinghua University in Beijing without any warning, and then Dorsey, the current CEO of Twitter, came later. These corporate giants suddenly arrived in China without a word, and no one would believe them if they said nothing was going on.

The more these reporters thought about it, the more excited they got. Perhaps the headlines for tomorrow would be generated right here. No! It had already happened.

This group of reporters apparently wouldn't stop there. One by one, they kept questioning and closely following Dorsey and his bodyguards.

Tsinghua University was getting increasingly crowded. The students were discussing as if something big was going to happen today. Rare international technology bigwigs arrived one after another.

"Wait! What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?" The few people in classroom 317 frowned. The clamors from the outside came from downstairs.

Building 003 used to be quiet and peaceful, but now it was getting more increasingly crowded. Not only that, but a few students were also stationed downstairs and looking out over the place.

Dorsey came as soon as he found the address of XlouS from the school. And it went without saying that he was followed by a large number of reporters.

Zhang Han suddenly opened the window and peeked out. Upon seeing a large wave of people flooding the corridor, he shrank back in fear and shouted, "Damn, there are a whole bunch of reporters! There are also some foreigners in front of them. They can't be looking for us, right?"

Chen Kai gave the other party a glance like he was an idiot. "Who else would be here but us?"

Ren Hong stroked his chin in deep thought. "Looks like we can't stay here. We have to move out of the school as soon as possible." How could a place like this stand up to this herd of people!

"Ahem!" Ren Hong coughed, clapped his hands lightly, looked at his roommates, and said, "Pack all the necessary stuff; this is a company secret. Hurry and shut the windows by the corridor and draw the curtains. You guys stay here and let me deal with them unless you want to be surrounded by a group of reporters all day!"

Ren Hong walked out of the classroom and coincidentally, Dorsey and the rest arrived at the door of classroom 317. Ren Hong saw a few burly bodyguards standing in the corridor path while reporters snapped pictures.

Dorsey couldn't care less about what was happening behind him. It was at that moment he saw Ren Hong stepped out of the classroom. Then, he asked politely: "Hello! May I ask if this is the office address of XlouS?"

"Yes!" Ren Hong nodded. At that moment, he recognized, at first glance, who the man in front of him was—the current CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey.

Dorsey smiled and asked, "In that case, may I ask if your company's founder, Mr. Cyrus Ren, is around?" It was apparent that Dorsey took Ren Hong for an employee of the company. The former had taken the time to read up about XlouS and knew it was a start-up by university students. He took out a business card and politely said, "I'm Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. Here's my business card." He handed the business card to Ren Hong.

"I'm the founder of XlouS, Mr. Dorsey." Ren Hong took his business card and smiled.

Dorsey was stunned. He shook hands with the young man and apologized at the same time, "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Nice to meet you, Mr. Ren."

"No harm done!" Ren Hong chuckled, indicating that he wasn't mindful.