
"Leave it to me, Boss! With money and space, give me half a month to ensure that the skeleton of the company is put up, and the company can operate normally in a month!" Gao Yue responded with confidence. At that moment, she was full of motivation. And although she was already aware, she couldn't help but feel awed when she watched Facebook's official press conference. It was also a great way to show how much potential the company had, and more importantly, there were no two ways about it; 12 billion USD was certainly on the table.

Gao Yue was thrilled at the thought of her future as CEO of a multi-billion dollar company and the 0.5% raw stock share. Boundless energy with a passionate enthusiasm surged inside her.

"I have no doubt about that." Ren Hong smiled, taking out a piece of information and handing it to her. "We have the money now and no tax is required for the whole four billion USD. We have to get the official website back in operation as soon as possible. Purchase the required servers and hold our first press conference after the company's skeleton is built to announce our company's headquarters location. Although we have established the address, in order to get as many local concessions as possible, we need to give the Wanning government some sense of urgency. Two years ago, the entirety of Wanning's GDP was just over 80 billion RMB."

"Okay, leave them to me." Gao Yue nodded in response.

"That information contains the technical team I need, and Real-time Online Translator version 2.0 should go online as soon as possible. I need those people," Ren Hong added.

"No problem!" Gao Yue said.

Ren Hong nodded and emphasized: "The construction of the company headquarters must be the first priority. The progress of the construction of the company headquarters determines when our second product will be officially launched."

"No problem." Gao Yue nodded in response.

Ren Hong said unhurriedly, "After negotiating with the Wanning government, I will personally be responsible for overseeing the construction matters of the headquarters, and thus begins us, changing the world!"

When Gao Yue heard those words, she became full of anticipation, which was apparent from her amazed expression.

With funds on hand, all matters could be accomplished smoothly. For the rest of the day, Ren Hong and Gao Yue were going to be very busy. Gao Yue headed to the talent recruitment market, while Ren Hong returned to school. Apparently, the company wasn't lacking in anything except talents. He also couldn't let Gao Yue handle everything alone. Putting aside the clamors of the outside world, Ren Hong gazed at the school. Talents… There must be talents somewhere within the school.

"For recruitment matters, you are solely responsible for it. I only have three requirements. The first is character, the second is elite, and the last is youth. Our company should be filled with youthful energy everywhere from the management down to the grassroots." Ren Hong added as he parted from Gao Yue.

Coincidentally, shortly after Ren Hong arrived at the school, Director Yu of the Computer Science Department called him on the phone, sounding rather eager. Ren Hong held a grateful attitude toward this teacher. Director Yu asked to meet and Ren Hong readily agreed.

After meeting with Director Yu, Ren Hong was surprised. Because not only was Director Yu present, but the vice principal also came.

The vice principal smiled at Ren Hong. "Looks like our main character is here. Haha!"

"Good afternoon, Director Yu! Mr. Vice Principal!" Ren Hong responded politely, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Come, take a seat!" The vice principal said kindly.

Ren Hong didn't stand on ceremony and instantly sat down. The vice principal and Director Yu inwardly nodded when they saw his reaction. This young man wasn't arrogant at all.

"You did well! Ren Hong, our school has produced a remarkable Bill Gates of our own. Arguably, the school should expel you, but our country emphasizes economic development as its core and needs more people like you." The vice president smiled and looked at Director Yu, bragging without mincing his words, "I can finally go next door (Peking University) to brag. Those guys are always ahead of me, bragging about their so-called number one achievements. How about they start bragging after producing a student like our Ren Hong who is worth more than 800 billion RMB in valuation. Tsk tsk!"

Director Yu and Ren Hong revealed a good-natured smile. Everyone's faces were beaming with happiness.

Looking at the two school officials, Ren Hong asked, "Director Yu, Mr. Vice Principal, may I ask what both of you are looking for me for?"

Upon hearing his question, Director Yu smiled, "Ren Hong! You're pretty much a national name now, and your success has made the school proud! The school also values you greatly."

130 billion USD; hell if you think nothing about it!

The vice principal smiled and added, "Right! The school has produced quite a few world-renowned people, but it is still our first in producing someone like you, Ren Hong. The school has also risen in rankings thanks to this news. If the principal wasn't occupied with other important matters, he would have personally met the big shot of an emerging giant company. Hahaha!"

"The principal sure is humorous. I'm not even 20 yet, so how dare I call myself a big shot!" Ren Hong humbly replied.

Director Yu smiled, "This time, apart from congratulating you, the vice principal and I came with another matter."

"Let's hear it." Ren Hong said.

Director Yu continued, "The school understands the state of your company. Let me guess, you're most lacking in talents now, right?" Director Yu looked at Ren Hong. The latter was surprised. This was something that he was going to discuss with the school to see if he could reach a cooperation with the school, though he knew that graduates of Tsinghua University could easily obtain great jobs.

"I do have the intention to recruit a group of employees from the school, just that I didn't expect such a coincidence. To be honest, before I found myself a CEO, I was basically a one-man army." Ren Hong laughed.

"In that case, it makes things so much easier!" Director Yu was delighted with the news, "This year's Computer Science Department has produced a group of capable graduates…"

Ren Hong listened, nodded, he said, "Not only that, but the company is also basically lacking people everywhere—management, technical departments, etc.. The company is lacking everything but money right now!"

Director Yu and the vice-principal were astonished. What a proud thing to say, but it was the truth. They looked at each other and laughed.

"By the way!" Ren Hong pondered, gazing at the two school officials and said, "I'm going to donate 8 million USD to my alma mater in the name of XlouS, as a way to thank my alma mater for nurturing me. I will also donate an additional 800k USD to the Computer Science Department. Frankly speaking, it is about time to get that equipment replaced, though they are still usable. This is just a token of my appreciation."

"That is awesome!" The vice principal burst out laughing, "We all know that your company made an astronomical amount of money from Facebook, so no pretense, the school does need funds. I'll represent the school in thanking your generosity. 'Today I'm proud of the school, tomorrow the school is proud of me', this phrase fits you perfectly, Ren Hong. Hahaha~~"