
"That's impossible, Mr. Ren." Yang Hua twitched the moment Ren Hong demanded an exorbitant price. "Your company has been granted three years of tax exemptions for college students to start their own businesses, and if you want five more years, that's eight years in total, which is nowhere near possible."

"Uh…" Ren Hong also didn't know how to refute. He paused and then said: "But two years is a little less. In that case, I would rather go back to the mainland. The reason why this place is my priority is that I have a unique personal interest. You should also know that Wanning is really not as competitive as other regions."

Yang Hua saw Ren Hong's determined look, gnashed his teeth, and said, "I'm a straight shooter and don't like businessmen beating around the bush. Three years! This is the biggest tax exemption the government can give. I'll be honest, Mr. Ren, this is the maximum that we can give. That's a full six years of tax exemption; even if our city lacks competitiveness compared to other urban areas, it's really the limit."

Most importantly, everyone knows your company is making big bucks now. Another year of tax exemption would equal to the city missing out on tens of billions of tax dollars!

Ren Hong pondered. Six years did sound good. He also disliked beating around the bush, so after confirming his decision, he immediately said, "Alright!"

"You mean you've decided to move into the city?" Yang Hua thought he would have to bite his lip for a while longer. He didn't expect the other party to be so swift. He couldn't help but be ecstatic. That was indeed a fantastic achievement for the city government. At that moment, he felt like his rushing around was all worth it today.

"But I have one thing to add. The company is prepared to spend 5 billion RMB to buy the use and development rights of this area for 70 years, including the entire Nanwang Reservoir." Ren Hong nodded and said.

"You're going to build five skyscrapers in the middle of nowhere?" After the surprise, Yang Hua was so stunned that he couldn't keep his mouth closed. He thought that the other party was going to construct his buildings downtown. Compared to downtown, this place was indeed a godforsaken place. The construction of five skyscrapers would definitely become a landmark, and a powerful boost to the local economy as well.


Are you for real?

The eyes of the mayor of Nanqiao Town, who also came with Yang Hua, glinted. He felt like happiness came too abruptly.

"Downtown is too crowded, which won't be good for the future development of the company. And truth be told, in the coming future, the company will also build a number of technology research and development bases. XlouS will form a separate technology ecosystem, so obviously, downtown doesn't fit the company's future development plan." Ren Hong smiled and looked at the other party. "XlouS is a high-tech company!"

Yang Hua couldn't help but turn to the few foreigners and underground rigging equipment nearby. Judging from the works in place, it seemed like the other party was determined to not construct his buildings in the city.

It was a pity that five skyscrapers were going to be built in such a godforsaken place and would have far less value than downtown. But it was still a great success for the other party to move into the city, and it was just an added bonus whether they were established downtown or not.

As for the final condition raised by Ren Hong, Yang Hua didn't express any concern. This place was supposed to be a wilderness, after all. Even though it also produced decent aquatic products, nothing could be better than receiving 5 billion RMB and having someone developing the land on behalf of them.

Two hours later, both sides reached a verbal agreement. The professionals would be responsible for the specifics. Yang Hua also returned with satisfaction.

Four days later, the person-in-charge of the survey team accumulated the data and sent it to Ren Hong right away. He stated that the geological structure of the area met the standard of building skyscrapers and deep underground development.

On the fourth day, Ren Hong returned to the capital and asked Gao Yue to notify the major architects to quickly finalize a series of matters to start construction as soon as possible.

"Chairman! Are you sure you want to raise the budget for the construction of the company's headquarters to 10.5 billion USD?" Gao Yue came to Ren Hong's chairman's office, and when she got the news, she thought he had gone crazy.

That's a whole 10.5 billion USD to build five 400 meter high skyscrapers. How wasteful was that? Did he know how many employees he had to pay for in the company?"

"What's the problem?" Ren Hong looked at his beautiful CEO.

"This is a waste, Chairman! 90% of the company's current cash reserves are considered invested with this decision of yours. And I don't see a return to match that, despite you being the boss!" Gao Yue said in dissatisfaction. This was the first time she had lost her temper with Ren Hong, but she also presented a different kind of beauty.

Ren Hong was taken aback and wasn't angered by her. He playfully took her hand and Gao Yue was a little startled by his action. Soon after, he pulled her to the chairman's chair and sat her down. The overwhelmed young lady immediately stood up from the chair.

"Don't worry, I'm just showing you something!" Ren Hong unquestionably forced her back into her seat and opened his laptop, "Watch this short film."

Gao Yue didn't know what he wanted to do and could only look at the monitor helplessly. The short film began to play and Ren Hong explained at the same time.

"You're familiar with this one; our cluster of corporate headquarters buildings. Looking down, here's the Institute for Outer Space and Astronautical Research. Here's the New Energy Development Base, and here's the Satellite and Space Shuttle Launch Site! Well, yes, I'm interested in deuterium on the moon, but that's too far away! Here's 200 meters underground, Institute for Highly Intelligent Machinery…"

Ren Hong spread his arms apart and said, "With these five buildings radiating at the center, it represents… the future!"

Gao Yue shifted her gaze between the film and Ren Hong, scrutinizing them. Despite him being the boss, she couldn't help but say, "Are you out of your mind?"

"What's wrong with that?" Ren Hong smiled and soon, paced around the office. Gao Yue, who sat in the chair, looked blankly at him.

That short film… No! That's absolutely impossible. It's pure fantasy. He's crazy.

Ren Hong paced back and forth and mumbled to himself, "I know what you're thinking at the moment—unrealistic fantasist? Speaking of which…" He sauntered to the desk and placed his hands on it, leaning his entire body forward and looking directly at Gao Yue who sat in the chairman's chair. "I am indeed a fantasist." He shrunk back and walked around the office, his eyes scanning aimlessly. "The difference is that other fantasists can only fantasize." His eyes met Gao Yue's for a moment, his voice deepened as his speech picked up speed. "And I can make it happen."

Gao Yue didn't say a word, continuing to watch him direct and perform by himself like a madman.

"OK!" The moment Ren Hong saw that she was unmoved, he lightly snapped his fingers, went up to her side, and turned off the short film that was playing on a loop. Gao Yue wasn't sure what he was going to do, but she watched without saying a word.

Ren Hong's fingers danced on the keyboard, and soon the computer went black, followed by an anime model being displayed on the screen.

"Is this… Hatsune Miku?" Gao Yue looked at the 3D anime loli on the computer. She looked at Ren Hong blankly. She had no idea what he was trying to express.

What is he doing? Has he gone mad?