So-called Reality

After getting off the plane, Ren Hong, his bodyguard, and Mu boarded a taxi to the booked hotel. Despite being one of the world's top 10 richest people, Ren Hong didn't even have his exclusive car, which seemed a little unbelievable and incredible to outsiders. However, this was true. Ren Hong had also never been a so-called formalist.

When one became famous and had great influence, one had no need for outfits that flaunted one's wealth.

"Wait! Stop at the front" Ren Hong, who sat in the back seat, suddenly yelled out, his eyes locking onto the walkway not far ahead.

"You can't park here; you'll get a ticket!" The taxi driver said with a dilemma.

"I'll compensate you tenfold whatever the fine is!" Ren Hong's eyes didn't shift. He focused his attention on the front of the pedestrian street where a man and a woman seemed to be arguing. Ren Hong didn't know who the woman was, but it was impossible for him to not recognize the agitated man. Because it was his best friend, Zhang Han!

As soon as Ren Hong said those words, there was no reason for the taxi driver to not stop the vehicle. He pulled the taxi over to the side, parking behind a Lamborghini, where a young man in a punk style was leaning against as if he were waiting for someone.

Ren Hong seemed to have figured out the situation.

"What's going on?" Mu asked, puzzled.

"Just watch!" Ren Hong said and quietly looked at Zhang Han. The former wound down the window and left a few centimeters gap open. Although the voices from the couple were rather soft, Ren Hong could still hear their conversation clearly.

"I don't believe this. No, this isn't true. That scum…" The flustered Zhang Han pointed at the punk guy standing by the Lamborghini. "There's no way you could have any feelings for such a scum. You're joking, right!"

"What's wrong with him? What's wrong with being non-mainstream?" The beautiful woman with a ponytail smiled undeniably. "At least he's rich, isn't it?"

"Rich? So you're doing it because of the money?" Zhang Han looked at her in disbelief and said. "When did you become such a gold digger? Have all our years of affection been a lie?" He didn't know what else to say at that moment, except to be stunned and incredulous.

"Maybe!" She crossed her arms, looked toward the metropolis, and softly said. "The so-called love and promises were just immature acts of the past. 'I love you' is the cheapest gift in the world. I now know what I really want. I've lived 20 years of poverty and I don't want to live another 20 years like this. How many 20 years are there in life? I wear cheap clothes, take public buses, live in a rented apartment… I don't want my life to be such a dull and gray one. I want to live not only in color, but also in all colors! Simply put, I'm going to live the life of a rich person!"

Zhang Han looked at the woman like a wooden carving with his mouth wide open. The woman couldn't care less about his feelings, "I don't want my future to be gray, Zhang Han. Although you are a Tsinghua University student, after graduation you can only get a job with a monthly salary of 10000 RMB. You're destined to not be able to afford a villa or a decent sports car. You will have to struggle for 20 years to afford a 180 square meter house in the city. How many 20 years do we have in life?"

"You… Why did you suddenly become so realistic?" Zhang Han blankly said. He wanted to tell her that the man standing in front of her was a billionaire and that he was a majority shareholder of XlouS. However, at that moment, he just couldn't say that.

She undeniably said, "Yes, that's how realistic I am, and that's because this society is so realistic. I don't want to fall behind, you know?"

"Where are the ideals we promised together? Is it all a mistake?" Zhang Han numbly said.

She shrugged and heartlessly scowled. "In front of adults, children are wrong; in front of referees, players are wrong; in front of reality, ideals are wrong. I've been wrong for 20 years, and I won't be wrong for another 20 years. A life with love or bread—when there's only one of the two to choose from, I just want to choose a life that's not too messed up. For the simple reason that if it's a life without love, it's just a life of blandness, that's all! But if it is a life without bread, we can't live even if we want to! Got it?"

"Xin Yan, it's getting late." The man next to the Lamborghini turned on the most popular high-end electronic device S-1 and called out. Soon after, he put the S-1 on his wrist, while playfully looking at Zhang Han as if he were a dumb statue.

The woman looked back at the punk guy, gestured OK, and turned to Zhang Han, flatly saying, "If you're feeling resentful, unhappy, or whatever right now, then remember my words: grow up quickly, mature as soon as possible. and learn to recognize what the nature of reality is. Strive to become very, very rich and not end up poor for the rest of your life!" Afterward, she brushed past the stunned Zhang Han and left behind a last message. "If we're still related to each other by a single bit, I want us to be strangers…"

She walked toward the punk guy and at that moment, Ren Hong got out from the taxi. The woman unintentionally looked at the man clad in a plain black short-sleeved T-shirt and gray jeans, stepping out from the taxi and trying to act cool in his sunglasses. Ren Hong saw the hint of disdain in her eyes. But that was all there was to it. Soon after, she boarded the Lamborghini and the couple drove away.

Ren Hong didn't say a word. He shifted his gaze to Zhang Han who continued standing on the spot like a statue.

"Why didn't you tell her that you're a billionaire now?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind Zhang Han. He would have been pleasantly surprised, but he didn't respond at all.

"You're here." Zhang Han turned his head to the side slightly. Upon hearing Ren Hong's voice, he forced a smile and didn't answer his question.

"She'll regret it; you know that." Ren Hong calmly said as he stood beside Zhang Han.

Zhang Han shook his head, gazing over the complex city. "But it was love, after all! I loved her so deeply! So much! And love… just broke my heart!"

Ren Hong followed his gaze and leisurely said, "This is my first time hearing you say love. No matter what love you're referring to, it means that you're humane, and this means that you're worth being together with…" He took off his sunglasses and looked toward the direction the Lamborghini disappeared. "From her point of view, it's due to a difference in values and a measure of love and happiness. In fact, one who would rather cry in a luxury car can't laugh in a taxi either. Since that's her perspective, it's understandable that she would choose the luxury car. Everyone has their own, different way of life; that's why we have built this complicated society. We can't interfere and have no right to interfere, nor do we need to interfere with other people's way of life. Right?"

Zhang Han remained silent. Ren Hong lightly patted his shoulders and shook him, saying, "Bro, there's no such thing as a hard time, only hard feelings. That's really how it is, and I don't have to lie to you. I also understand exactly how you feel at the moment. There are many things that you can't get through because you can't let go of, such as being resented, criticized, cheated, and revenged and so on. Most of the people in the world only care about the thing itself and are obsessed with the unpleasant feelings they bring… It's really brain dead. Actually all you need to do is change your mood and the world will be completely different. Really, give it a try."

When Ren Hong saw that Zhang Han was still silent, he couldn't help but add, "There is so much unfairness in this world. The only way to be fair is to use your own strength to force the world to be fair to you. I don't think it's possible to escape the reality of life just because you are living in the real world. Only with enough courage to face reality can you finally overcome reality. Only after knowing reality can you face the reality of people and things based on the reactions brought about and consequences created by reality. When facing your interests, sometimes the relationship between people will be greatly reduced and even become worthless. Such a reality exists everywhere. Yes, she is indeed realistic because in her values, interests are more important than relationship or even love. But, bro! Are you going to be cynical about that too?"

The silent Zhang Han finally had a hint of a reaction. Ren Hong noticed and said, "Bro, you can continue to be the guy who puts friendship before anything else, while being appropriately realistic so as not to get hurt again. That's what I think. But never be as realistic as her because people who are overly realistic are lonely and always end up being tired of living. It's actually so much easier to be an emotional person than a rational one, really! Now that you've seen through reality, you'll never be like this again even if you're dealing with realistic people and stuff all day long. Because at that point, it will be easy for you to say, "It's okay, it's just reality!"

"Thanks a lot, Boss! I think I figured it out!" After a long time, Zhang Han said and smiled for the first time.


"Of course. At any rate, your bro is still a genius who has been scouted twice by CAS, okay?"

"Ha! That's the bro I know!"

Ren Hong smiled, lightly hammering Zhang Han's chest. It seemed like it was worth the effort to talk him through it. Ren Hong changed his tone, looked into the distance, and said: "I was once confused, but I never ran away from reality; I was once indifferent, but when I met the right person, my heart emanated the most radiant brilliance; I was once cowardly, running away from the past! But when necessary, I can be courageous enough to face them and eventually overcome them. I also have the great ideal to change the world in my heart, for which I have been quietly working hard towards. It's okay to be small, great, or even flashy, but I'm proud of myself throughout. Always!"

Ren Hong slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at his buddy. "Isn't that right?"

"Typical Scorpio thinking!" Zhang Han suddenly smiled and nodded, "Yes!"

"Change your mood and let's change the world together!"

"Change the world!"