Field of View

Time quickly flew by. It had been three days since Ren Hong arrived in Beijing. For the past three days, apart from meeting Zhang Han and his friends for a meal, he didn't attend other activities. Although the main purpose of coming to the capital was to participate in the upcoming China-US Entrepreneur Summit, Ren Hong's rise was so fast that he didn't have many acquaintances to speak to in the tech world—at least for now. But the good thing was that he was a person who didn't mind staying indoors.

The China-US Entrepreneur Summit would be held tomorrow and he could also finally get out of the hotel. The major media and the internet had been hyping up the summit. It became a trend for all outsiders to participate by watching the big shots around the table. It also became a hot topic in recent news on the internet.

Q-Chan was this year's most popular internet celebrity. She became a part of the new generation of internet celebrities after PAPI-Chan in previous years. Q-Chan's had 43 million fans on WeChat, which was four times more than PAPI-Chan. The former was valued at 2 billion RMB by the same venture capitalist investment firm that also invested in PAPI-Chan. It seemed like she had enjoyed huge success today.

Q-Chan was also a video-based media personality who produced content. The China-US Entrepreneur Summit would be held in Beijing, which made the capital a hotspot of comprehensive attention. And as the current number one in local media, Q-Chan naturally wouldn't fall behind in the news. Her latest video was updated the day before the summit, and with over 40 million followers, it was only natural that her updates quickly led to a lot of crowd.

Hello all you puddle-headed viewers, I'm Q-Chan. I swear I will not advertise this time, so you guys really have to trust me…

That's right, I'm still going to advertise today. Wahahaha~~ Not only will I advertise, but I'll also do it for free for a group of people… How foolish am I, right?! Q-Chan wants to but doesn't dare to ask them for advertising money. As for why, you'll know once you watch on!

The fact that you're still watching this video shows that you've matured, and that you've been lied to for the 800th time. Cough, cough. You didn't hear anything. Q-Chan didn't say anything. Haha~~"

Anyway, watching this video means you're still kinda smart. In other words, you are a little bit more mature~~

But that doesn't help!

Alright then, let Q-Chan tell you why I didn't dare to ask for an advertisement fee.

Those of you who have followed the recent internet events and news should be familiar with the recent hot topic. And yes, it's the official 10th China-US Entrepreneur Summit, which will be taking place tomorrow. It will be held in the capital, Beijing. The previous one was held in Seattle in the U.S..

Leaders in various fields of business from the most powerful countries in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the planet will gather and discuss with one another. Doesn't it feel like the Huashan Tournament? Q-Chan went to collect a set of data lately. Everyone, keep your eyes open and look at the video for the close-up numbers typed in black bold font and you'll know why Q-Chan is afraid to ask for advertising money~~

The combined value of the 30 U.S. and Chinese companies at the summit is 427.99 billion USD. Do any of you know what the figure means? This figure is 11.4 billion USD more than the entire GDP of Japan last year. In short, if you look at them as a separate economy, they are the third largest in the world behind the U.S. and China. Q-Chan can't find a more striking and silly metaphor to compare the numbers~~

But the most noteworthy thing is that Q-Chan has to really advertise for one of the companies. Q-Chan is sure that many of you have an epic accessory called the S-1 in your hands, right? That's right. This is the newest godlike device! The boss who created this device is the domestic technology giant that Q-Chan is going to talk about!

Uh~ Am I speaking too fast? In that case, I'll just reread it once more…

The company's name is XlouS; pronounced Cyrus.

For those who are interested, you can search up the company in Google or Baidu. In short, this company is a proper legend! This company has become Apple's enemy for life!

Best of all, it's a domestic company. Yes, domestic, domestic, domestic!!! Important words have to be said three times and punctuated with three exclamation marks… Ugh~~ who was that crazy person just now? Argh, forget it!

Why is XlouS a lifelong enemy of Apple? Just look at the data comparison below!

1. As soon as the high-end market-oriented wearable smart device S-1 was launched, XlouS attacked all the way. Apple's supposedly impregnable city is falling bit by bit. XlouS is simply unstoppable and thoroughly spectacular~~~

2. Recently, there is a glib saying in one of the circles: whoever buys an iPhone, of whatever model, is an idiot~! I don't know which uncivilized friend said that, but Q-Chan likes it. Tell Q-Chan where the original post is, and I'll bump the comment to the top!

3. S-1 is only a hundred dollars more expensive than the iPhone 7S-Plus currently on the market. It is upfront going against the iPhone and Q-Chan likes such a fierce, powerful type of man~~ Ugh, I'm actually very gentle in reality. You guys can all testify to that, huh!

4. Apple is the technology company with the highest total value representing the U.S. at the summit, while XlouS is the technology company with the highest total value in our country. But note that it is only at a valuation and not listed~

5. They're all tech companies! They all make cell phones! Cell phones are just part of the businesses, too!

In summary, XlouS is the enemy of Apple for life! Enemy of a lifetime! Enemy of a lifetime~~~

XlouS was valued by a bunch of Wall Street vampires at 375.8 billion USD, a total value that exceeds the second largest domestic public company by a full 100 billion USD. XlouS's total value is ranked number one!

What is the concept of 375.8 billion USD, you asked? Convert into RMB, that's over 2438 billion RMB! Well, that analogy seems even less useful~~ But never mind the details! Let Q-Chan find some data to tell you guys!

The amount is higher than the total value of all listed companies in Shanghai at some point in 2014; equivalent to the combined GDP of 50 small countries or regions! It could buy 3 years of the world's total apple production—the kind of fruit that you can eat, okay! It could feed and fund the U.S. Air Force for two and a half years! It could give free kidney transplants to nearly 3.7 million people—half of Bulgaria's population! It can buy 8,600 tons of gold, which is equivalent to 1/20th of the total amount of gold of the entire human race! It's the equivalent of winning a 5 million USD jackpot every day since Li Yuan founded the Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago… I must stop now… The list is endless…

All right! That's it for today, don't come back and go away now!

  1. A fictional martial arts competition on Mount Hua between the best fighters in the world based on scenes in The Legend of the Condor Heroes and The Return of the Condor Heroes.