
I sighed as there was a knock on my door. I didn't like to be interrupted. When I didn't respond, there was another knock on the door. With a groan, I got up from my mat and opened the door, "What is it? You know my policy on interrupting me."

The poor sap which had been sacrificed to pester me gulped, "T-the captain has called fleet commanders we're almost at Fish-man island."

I nodded, "Why are you still here?" I chuckled as the guy scrambled off, tripping over himself, "You shouldn't tease them so much. They might plan your assassination." A smile split my face as Bane walked around the corner.

"Eh, they all know it's all an act. Whitebeard wouldn't let me be a Division Leader otherwise." Walking back into my room, I grabbed my sword from its resting place. As we walked to the Captain's room, I thought over what happened in the past six months since I joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

After volunteering with the chefs was only the start of my rise to power. Marco found out about my alchemy skills, and he enlisted me to make other sorts of medicine for the crew.

I even persuaded him to convert one of the storage rooms into a garden to grow all the herbs I could need. But, I only received the promotion after I defeated an entire fleet of Marine Ships. They fired a cannon into the ship where my garden was, and I lost control a little.

By the end of the week, I had my first bounty. The world officially knew me as 'Flesh Golem, Soren' with a bounty of 250 million wanted dead or alive after that, Whitebeard allowed me to create a new Divison.

Sitting down in my chair, I was at the end of the table as the 16th Division Leader, and Bane was standing behind me as my second in command. The scene repeated itself until Whitebeard, as he was at the head of the table, "I hope you all don't think less of me for my rash actions."

Everyone around the table grinned, "Come on, Old Man, you know we don't care for forethought. Well, some of us do." Marco said, leaning back in his chair.

"Fine, know this when we do storm the island, we want to make a show of thing. I've already contacted the King, and he had agreed to fly our banner. Other than that, you know what to do. Soren, I want you to lead the charge."

Everyone had a shocked looked on their face, but I just smiled, "It's about time, I was getting bored."

Marco smiled. "We could spar if you want, you know." I pretended not to hear Marco, and everyone laughed at that, 'I could beat him if I want, but the crew doesn't need that type of conflict.

Back in my room, I grabbed the bottle of pills on my dresser and my Wakizashi. It was a secondary weapon that most samurai used. The blade was about one foot long without a guard.

Once I was ready, I made sure my men had prepared before we emerged on deck as a group. The rest of the divisions were also present, everyone barring weapons.

Then as I watched, the bubble coating around the ship started to inflate, and the boat began to sink. No one uttered a word as we descended into the depths of the ocean. No sea king came close to the ship as my Emperor Haki scared them off.

After hours of navigating the depths, Fish-man Island came into view. The beautiful kingdom was currently under attack.

Whitebeard pointed at the island with his naginata. "The plan's changed, kill everyone who dares attacks our allies." We roared in anger, and we stormed the island. Marco was in the air in his bird form, attacking the slavers from above.

"Don't hoggy all the glory Marco, some of us still have to make their entrance." I grinned, and I reached into my bottle of pills and popped one into my mouth.

Using the surge of energy, I started to transform. Instead of one body part, my whole body began to writhe.

"It looks like Soren is going all in. We're in for a show." My men had seen my actions, and they all knew what was happening.

In a second, I no longer looked human. I replaced my face with a solid bone helmet. My legs and arms bulged with muscle, and I covered my joints in bone spikes while I covered my chest in bone plate armor.

I was only a few feet shorter than Whitebeard in this form, so I towered over everyone. With a savage roar, I jumped into the air before coming down in the middle of a group of slavers.

[First Form: Gōremu]

Pointing my fist at the slavers, they were lucky they couldn't see the bloodthirsty smile on my face.

[Monster Art: Geiru]

In this form, all my attacks were increased tenfold, so instead of the average gale-force winds. It was as if I unleashed a hurricane from my palm. I sent the slavers flying, and I had to grin even more.

It was about time I started my revenge streak, but this was only a small portion of the hate I would open upon my enemies. It wasn't long before we cleaned up the rest of the slavers. My transformation wore off, and I reverted to my human form.

Bane handed me a robe as I was in the buff after my transformation. My body felt like it had aged fifty years. It was the backlash from the transformation and the pill.

"You should really stop going all out like that, your going to hurt yourself." I looked over at Bane as I stretched, trying to work out the knots.

"I can regenerate my head if I want to. If it comes down to it, I'll make a new body and transfer my conscious." Bane blinked, "You can do that?"

"I think so. But I really hope I never have to find out."