It was the year 2040 and what was so open to us in the end happened, the earth suffered a supernatural disaster that ended up eliminating much of the life in it. The few survivors that remain will never forget the afternoon of October 20 when we saw what we love so much disappear. I'm Jak Morgan and this is my story or well it was before I watched my whole world fall apart. He had a perfect life in quotes, he was first in my class, captain of the soccer team and one of the most popular boys in school, the prettiest girls wanted to be with me, but I only saw them as a game and I didn't take them seriously. I didn't like the idea of ​​being with just one person at all. I loved my freedom.

I had a beautiful family that I loved was made up of my parents Jak and Emili and my older sister Esmeralda and little Amanda Without just knowing that this would be my last afternoon by his side, I would have valued that moment more and avoided having that discussion hours before with my parents, it was 10:30 a.m. on October 20, I left my house somewhat angry about the discussion that I had with my parents who had found out that I had aroused the interest of one of the best sports training school in the city and well, it went against their plans that they had for me to go to a university I liked studying but my passion was soccer and all kinds of sports. And he was not willing to pass up that opportunity even if he did not have their support. That was the reason why I left my house somewhat annoying going to the forest that was on the outskirts of the city my favorite place when I wanted to think and be alone. Half an hour later I see that a truck is approaching me, it was my sister Esmeralda who with a smile says:

_I knew I would find you on this mountain. _ You know me very well I answer him. Esmeralda approaches me and after a little silence takes my hand to say: _ Do you want us to talk about what happened? Take a breath and then begin to vent that annoyance Esmeralda only listened to me attentively, she was a psychologist and my great confidante and when she finished speaking she was going to give me one of her wise advice when suddenly we felt that the ground began to move strongly, it scared us luckily the brain movement and everything returned to normal after that scare, I just hugged Esmeralda tightly and then we both got into the truck to pick up our little sister Amanda from her ballet quotes on the way there, she turned on the radio to keep us informed of what happened. to hear that it was a magnitude 3.5 fortunately there was no damage. Hearing this last I just breathed a sigh of relief and then said: _ Apparently it was just a small scare. (Trying with that comment to minimize what happened recently to give peace of mind to my sister and myself) She just stared at me and then answered: _Si good that it was nothing serious. After that silence became the protagonist of the journey

Already at the Ballet school our sister Amanda was waiting for us a little scared Esmeralda went running so to calm her I saw around me and there were still several people somewhat scared by what had happened not long ago more calm Amanda we got back into the truck to This time to go to our house I preferred this time not to turn on the radio to keep me informed of what was happening so as not to upset my little sister who was still only 6 years old, instead I put on the music that she liked so much and the three of us began to sing Making our trip home more enjoyable when we were only two blocks from it we found ourselves with the not pleasant surprise of finding a large vehicle traffic that would take time to pass through how long the line was on such a narrow track it had passed half hour and we had not advanced so much I tried to entertain myself from my cell phone watching videos while Amelia watched the sunset from the window in which I got the call from my father, it was sure to be pa To ask where we were, I answered him, however, the call began to be heard between cut and almost did not understand anything of what he wanted to tell me but in the end the call ended up cutting product that my cell phone had run out of signal something that seemed very Strange I asked Esmeralda if she had a signal on her cell phone and after unlocking it she answered no. Jak looks ... I turn to see my sister Amelia who was pointing me to the beach. I get out of the car to better see that action, Esmeralda was very angry, and she began to yell at me to return to the truck, but I ignored her, it was as if in me at that precise moment I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen and that little movement seismic a few hours ago was nothing compared to what was about to come or well at least that was going through my mind at this precious moment I ran on several cars to reach the precipice of the bridge that separated us from the beach that a few How many kilometers was he already there? I stopped to look carefully at the beach but above all at the sea that did not seem serene at all and gave the impression that something deep inside was formed in it I felt a hand touch my back and that I was scared and turned to see who it was, and it turned out to be the person I thought was Esmeralda who did not have a very happy face to say and angrily tells me:

_ Because you got out of the truck Jak. Come back to her. (Taking my arm tightly to lead me back to the truck.) I tell him to stop but it was in vain in it again the ground began to move but this time with more force than the spring time. As a result of that moment, Esmeralda and I ended up falling to the ground a little harder than the first one, but finally, people started to get alarmed and because of what happened, Esmeralda was injured, a cut had been made on her leg as a result of her fall in a place where there were small delays from a broken glass bottle for my good luck I only had a few scrapes from the fall Esmeralda between tears tells me:

_ Nothing happens Jak walks by Amelia I wait for you here. His words gave security but in his eyes you could see the pain from the wound and fear for what happened. Without thinking twice, I loaded her up to take her back to the truck having to go through the same traffic of cars of the spring time but with the The difference is that this time there would be a desperate crowd that would delay our arrival at the destination after a long road for the reasons already explained, we were about to arrive where our little sister Amelia was, who was very scared between tears.

I accelerated my step to be able to burn her and tell her that everything was going to happen but at that moment again the ground began to move but with twice as much force as the first two times it scared everyone who did not know how to react to what was happening happening Amelia cried louder and louder and began to scream our names. I was trying to calm her down even though inside I'm having the same fear that she was hearing a very loud sound I lowered my gaze and saw how the ground was beginning to open I tried to react quickly but it was late when I was about to jump to to get to Amelia because the track was already split in half, only the cries of despair of the people were heard, I looked for my sister but I could not find him and my mind was already beginning to imagine the worst of it, Esmeralda still achieves her pain say :

_Jak has this. I walk quickly to the place that Esmeralda pointed out to me and it gave me peace of mind to go back to my little sister but the bad thing was that she was on the edge of the cliff and the truck could fall at any moment into the abyss Amelia just shouted my name while I tried to calm her I started to stretch To see if he could reach his hand and bring it up with us, however, it was in vain that he began to hear the helicopters that began to arrive to help us. I felt a lot of frustration at not being able to do anything Esmeralda was injured and Amelia shortly after falling into the abyss in that an officer approached me to see what was happening and immediately through his intercom he said that he needs first aid for Esmeralda and a rescue unit so we can bring Amelia back up with us.

What the officer had requested arrived quickly, they began to attend to Esmeralda who had a deep wound on her leg that was causing her to lose a lot of blood, the good thing is that the paramedics were able to control her bleeding so that she stopped losing more blood at the same time she arrived The rescue team in a helicopter to be able to raise Amelia who was very scared was not easy but they managed to raise her as soon as I saw her I ran to hug her fortunately the bad had already happened we were back together, the three of us were taken to a nearby hospital so that Esmeralda finished recovering, although she did not agree completely and there I tried to communicate with my parents, however there was no signal, the telephone lines had been collapsed as a result of everything that was happening on this day that had not yet come to an end. I was worried that I didn't know anything about them, I wanted to go home so I could see if they were okay but I couldn't leave my sisters alone right now. Esmeralda felt very frustrated since for her she was already recovered and she did not want to spend another second in the hospital to be able to go find our parents with me, but she was not fully recovered even though she says otherwise. Amelia was still very scared but somewhat calmer since we were together. Practically not one more person entered the hospital, due to the many injuries and deaths that I had received in less than an hour, I turned on my cell phone and I saw the news that it was happening not only here but all over the world. In each place the damage was worse, not to mention the number of deaths, wounded and missing that were registered. All this was as if today was the end of humanity and that which only seemed to be the beginning since none of us imagined what Night was about to come and Esmeralda was still in pain that did not allow her to walk well and I still had no news from my parents and that had me too worried I saw how the officer who helped us got along very well Amelia and I approached him to ask him The immense favor of him staying by his side only for an hour while I was looking for my parents, I accepted it and it was done as I went in search of my parents without knowing what was about to happen.