After that moment Hugo told me that I was in a coma for 5 months and that he always came to visit me and was aware of my evolution together with the girl who saved my life. I did not understand anything about Hugo, he told me since my mind has very vague memories of that moment of which some time has passed, so I am learning about it, I see the officer enter who helped me keep my sisters and my mother alive, although Now they are no longer by my side I was very happy to see him again that he was one of the survivors of all that we had to live at the time I wonder how I was, to which I replied that a little dizzy and even somewhat confused by all of him answered me:

_That is normal son, you have spent several months unconscious but you have not been. Only Hugo and I turned to take care of you and be aware of your evolution.

I thanked him with a smile and then the game with Hugo since he still needed to rest a little more.

But before they left I stopped them and then said:

_What is his official name for the circumstances in which we met, do not ask him.

He smiled and then replied:

_ I am officer Maykol (with a smile on his face)

After that Hugo and the officer Maykol left leaving me alone in the room again.

Questions still unanswered hovered in my head, but the fatigue of my body was even stronger that was not yet fully recovered that I simply fell back into a deep sleep.

I do not know how many hours have passed since I fell asleep but when I managed to open my eyes again I found Hugo with a plate of food which I liked very well this moment because there was no food at all for a good time apparently.

I quickly devoured the rice with mashed potatoes and chop that he had brought me. Hugo simply with a smile looked at how gladly he ate after that he told me:

_ The doctor says that you can leave the hospital today.

_ You will love this place Jak that I assure you.

I took the clothes that Hugo brought to dress me ready and we left the room I was in for the last 5 months I barely left I was amazed to see what the corridors of this hospital in the galaxy were like

Hugo just smiled and then said:

_ If this impressed you, wait to see what is outside.

When we left that place, indeed, I was not mistaken, I was practically speechless when I saw how the Ship itself was, I was surprised to see some androids flying through the air and orograms without forgetting the large size of the ship that was really impressive but I It was not surprising that I didn't see people and I asked Hugo where they were to which he replied that I just woke up for dinner on the ship So that the crew would meet in the great dining room I went to that place with Hugo but on the way there I could not get out of my amazement at the ship and looked at every detail.

Already in the dining room I saw several people sitting eating and queuing to receive their dinner. I asked Hugo if he knew an approximate of the surviving people that we were in the ship, with his eyes he was looking for some people and then answering, we are an approximate of 3000 people, he could not believe what Hugo was telling me of the millions that we were on planet earth because we simply stayed that amount that meant that there were nations which did not have a single survivor and that was very sad Hugo took me out of my mind to say come I want to introduce you to some friends I followed him and when we got to a table made up of 5 boys our age Hugo greets them with effusion and then says:

_ Guys, this is Jak Morgan.

One of the girls intervenes saying:

_ Nice to meet you Jak and how good you could recover Hugo told us a lot about you my name is Dulce.

_ I am Rick Jak a pleasure. Said the boy sitting next to Dulce.

_ My name is Allison Jak, good to meet you.

After the boys' presentation, Hugo and I sat at the table and I felt very good with their company. But I did notice the small detail that there was an empty chair at the table right in front of me. And Hugo mentioned that he still had to meet

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Dana una chica que forma parte del grupo . Y cuando iva a preguntar donde estaba : Alison contesta que se encontraba durmiendo ya que no se sentía del todo bien para cenar .

Hugo me dijo que ella era la chica que también estuvo pendiente de mi evolución junto con él y él oficial Maykol .

Respondí que quería conocerla y en persona agradecer en persona por estar pendiente de mi evolución.

Después de ello entre los 5 empezo una larga conversación que fuimos los últimos en abandonar el comedor . Bueno prácticamente nos terminaron botando unos pequeños Robot encargados de la limpieza

Ya en los grandes pasillos de la nave nos despedimos de las chicas que se Iván a sus respectivas habitaciones Hugo con una sonrisa en su rostro dice:

_Te cuento que somos vecinos de habitaciones y el de Rick también esta cerca a las nuestras .

_Seremos como los 3 boqueteros . (Termino reafirmando Rick.)

Caminamos un poco mas y me percato de la señales que decían que las habitaciones de hombres estaban para la izquierda y nos estábamos llendo ala derecha le dije a Hugo y Rick que ese no era el camino ellos solo se sonríen para luego responder :

_Primero queremos que veas algo.

Dana a girl who is part of the group. And when I went to ask where she was: Alison replied that she was sleeping since she didn't feel quite right for dinner.

Hugo told me that she was the girl who was also aware of my evolution together with him and him, Officer Maykol.

I replied that I wanted to meet her and personally thank her for being aware of my evolution.

After that, between the 5 of us, a long conversation began that we were the last to leave the dining room. Well they practically ended up throwing us some little robots in charge of cleaning

Already in the great corridors of the ship we said goodbye to the girls who went to their respective rooms. Hugo with a smile on his face says:

_ I tell you that we are neighbors of rooms and Rick's is also close to ours.

_We will be like the 3 boqueteros. (I finish by reaffirming Rick.)

We walked a little more and I noticed the signs that said that the men's rooms were to the left and we were going to the right I told Hugo and Rick that that was not the way they just smiled and then answered:

_First we want you to see something.

I simply followed them to a place called memories of what it was, the place was very dark and I did not understand what we were doing here, it was when Hugo turned on the light that can understand where they had brought me was a place that kept images of what a Day was our home the planet earth of which today there is nothing left of how wonderful it was, there were also millions of cameras where the bodies of the people who could be saved from the catastrophe that we had to live as a species were

I started looking for where were the people whose name begins with the letter A and E initials of the names of my little sister and mother. After looking for a while, I found Amelia Morgan the name of my little sister of only 7 years old and when I saw her image in an ologram, the memory of her beautiful smile came to my mind and the occurrences with which she always came out, I could not help shed a few tears and simply kissed the camera where her body rested and I promised to always come to visit her and bring her favorite chocolates I continued my journey through the place of memories now in search of my parents I knew that it was impossible for them to have found the body of my beloved elder sister Esmeralda because she was carried away by a tornado and I was a witness of that moment. I managed to find my parents Emilia and Jak today more than ever I feel very proud to call myself after my father who always was and will be a great man and incredible dad and what to say about the kindest, sweetest and most attentive woman my mother has ever known. After a long time my friends approached me saying that Ivan was already closing the place and we had to go, I let out a sigh and I simply followed them, they accompanied me to my room and then said goodbye and once I just threw myself on the bed looking at him. ceiling and I remembered the fact that 5 months ago I had not thought that now I was practically alone and everything that I loved the most was simply no longer with me and no matter how much I tried to sleep that night I could not since there was a sadness in my heart that I still did not he had completely ventured.