Chapter 16: Going back and Burning Paradise

Tomorrow morning and it's 3:00 in the watch we are now traveling to go home. All students are still sleepy especially after we watch the shooting stars. So they fell asleep again, beside me is Terrence who's sleeping Hannah and Michelle are also sleeping in the opposite chair where we seated. Our Prof is fully awake when he approached me. "why you're not sleeping? you should sleep. it's too early" Prof said. I looked at him and said "I can't fall asleep again If I woke up this early, it's okay prof" I smiled. He smiled back then he returns to where his seat.

Later he comes back and he gave me 2 sachets of coffee, "here drink this if you can't sleep" he said. I accepted and then replied thanking him after that he went again to where his seat.

The bus is cold because of the air condition, but I don't feel cold instead I feel warm maybe because I was sipping a hot coffee which my Prof gave to me. Minutes passed later Terrence woke up and asked me where we were now, I told him that we're still on the bus heading towards our town. He nods at me then he looks to where Hannah and Michelle are seated he approaches them and put a blanket on them.

"You're such a good brother you know that, "I said. After he's done he comes back to where his seat and replies. "Nah.. all brothers always do these things to their siblings especially when it comes to girls. All brothers should protect their sisters" he turns his gaze where Hannah is and smiled. "but because we were twins I can't help but to act like an older brother to her" he added. I smiled until I remember that my Prof gave me 2 sachets of coffee so I gave another one to him he accepted and replied with thanks I smiled and continued sipping on my coffee.

Later on our bus stop nearby the food chain Hannah and Michelle were still sleeping while the other students are fully awake and other students are also sleeping, the Prof says that we should go down and eat. And then buy the other students some food for breakfast before we proceed to our destination. We told to our Prof that we will take care of Hannah and Michelle's food and drinks. The teacher nodded and he counts the other students who do still not wake up.

After we bought food we went inside again to our bus and we head straight to our destination, minutes passed finally these 2 girls woke up we gave them their food and drinks and they replied thank you. After that, they ate it. Our breakfast was just a burger that can make us full of energy, the drinks are just bottled water I don't much like soft drinks it makes me wanna puke when it comes to traveling so just water will be fine.

While traveling on the bus, the Prof opened the television for us to not bored he said "who had brought a movie or something like a file connector? Kindly share it so all of us can watch the show" one of my classmates raised her hand and said "I have one Prof." and she went ahead of us "here Prof. The folder name is Movies" after that she returns to where her seat.

The Prof opened the TV and inserted the flash drive in the edge of the television. The Prof asked if what movie we want to watch. All of us synchronized and said "Max (2015), Everest(2015), Poltergeist(2015), Brothers (2015), and lastly The last witch Hunter(2015). We enjoyed our movie marathon even when it comes to horror series, the girls sometimes scream when the main character of the said movie is startled by the protagonist or when it comes to scaring their victims by the sudden reaction of the main character.

We stop by the nearest town and we are currently eating when I suddenly felt strange. It gives me chills that I don't know what it is, I looked around to see if someone is staring at me or looking at me. But I can't find anywhere or what it is... Michelle pats me on my shoulders which causes me to startle. I looked at her, her face turned into confusion even Hannah and Terrence also looked confused at me. "hey you okay? Why the sudden reaction?" she asked. I look around again before I turn my gaze to them. "it was nothing" I mumbled Hannah is not believing me, as if I wasn't telling the truth either Terrence and Michelle did that too. "it was nothing really, don't worry I'm fine" I said then I smiled but not to widely.

They looked at each other first then they continued eating without a word. I told them I'm going to the restroom they nod and I walked past them where the bathroom is.

When I was inside the bathroom I just sighed as if I was releasing the weight of my feelings inside of me, I peed first before I looked in the mirror. Then something flashed like I was watching a movie, Sapphire is in danger I was an imbecile while I'm watching this scene. Not just Sapphire is in danger all of the Fairies in the Forest de Gilder are in danger. Their paradise is burning.. but why? I mean where? I...I don't know how could I have seen this. Or how I can save them. And then the images are gone when someone knocks on the doors.

"Philip, we're leaving now, are you okay in there?" Terrence spoke, I look in the door where Terrence is knocking then I glance once again in the mirror if I can see it again but it was just only my reflection I could see. I opened the door and tell Terrence that I'm okay, he looked at me straight first, he seems not to believe but he did not speak he just nodded, and walk. I think he knows that I'm hiding something from them.


Now we already in our town, and I heading towards my apartment, I waved on the bus to bid goodbye to my friends after that I went inside my bed to sleep. Because I know that Sapphire needs me but how could I get there if I only know their paradise was in my dream... Could it be my brain is burning? Nah... it's impossible. Because I don't feel anything or maybe they were only using my dreams so they can communicate to me like teleportation. But how could I get there if I don't know how can I go there? I once went there when Sapphire entered in my dream... How can I suppose to help her if I can't teleport to their dimension? I need to do something.. Please Sapphire call me, I will help you, please. I pleaded by myself as if she can answer my prayers. I fell asleep with that thought I hope I could get there and save my friend.